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  1. Yes, I mentioned guy #2 as being "tall". I would prefer a guy that is at least my height. Exceptions can always be made, though, for love.
  2. Hmm...I don't think I'm coming accross as desparate--at least not consciously. Perhaps, subconsciously. You're right. I should focus more on becoming friends with them first. I agree that the womanizer guy is a waste of my time. I just can't get over how cute he is!
  3. I am feeling entirely frustrated with this whole love thing. I'm a 23 year old woman. I've never been on a date. I've had one boyfriend in my life (last year) but it was a farce that only lasted a month. I find myself with sooo many crushes that never lead anywhere. Take my current situation, for example. I have a huge crush on a guy (guy #1) in one of my classes. He's really cute (!!!) but has a terrible personality (i.e. he know's he's cute, he curses all the time, and seems to be a womanizer). I know this guy is no good for me. He showed a passing interest in me and we have spoken a little, although not lately (whenever I see him a school nowadays I freeze up and only manage to get out "Hi, how are you?") So, maybe the "bad boy" is not for me. There's another guy (guy #2) I like that has a lot going for him. He's attractive, tall, in law school, religious, and appears to be rather intelligent. Of course he's shown no interest in me. I don't even know where to begin with him, since I don't see him on a day-by-day basis. He is actually my brother's childhood friend that I have had a crush on for ages. Honestly, I want a good guy that will treat me right. It's not as if I'm purposely trying to find that bad ones, but that's all I seem to get. I'm really attracted to guy #1 but guy #2 is equally attractive--no, even more attractive because of what he has going for him. I wonder if guy #2 is out of my league. I know I have a lot to offer, but I have this feeling that I wouldn't be what he is looking for. I feel really discouraged. I asked a guy out to lunch in the past but I got one of those "Let me check my schedule and get back to you" answers. After that, I told myself, I give up. No more asking guys out. Why can't they ask me out once in a while? I'll admit that I may not be the most approachable person. I'm kind of shy and reserved. I don't tend to initiate conversations but will talk to anyone that talks to me. Anyway, that's my gripe. Forget "Mr. Right"! I can't even find "Mr. Sort of Right." Heck, even "Mr. Wrong" won't date me!
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