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Posts posted by airmcnair06

  1. Which is my point.


    If you try to talk to someone who youre not actually attracted to, failure is nothing to you, nor is rejection, it doesn't phase you because you didnt want them anyway.


    Thats how you need to look at it, right now you are thinking "she's too hot for me", get that our of your head, you have to look down on them just like you look down on the uglier females, that's when you know you have confidence.

  2. Try this, start talking to girls youre not even attracted to in a way, as if youre tring to get with them.


    It will definitely boost your confidence. I was in the same position as you, Im still shy, but not as shy as I was....

  3. how old r u all?


    And by the comment I said in the other psot, I meant exactly that, to be frank. I believe there may be another reason she is not wanting this relationship and she doesnt want to hurt you, more than she already has by telling you, maybe it's another guy or something she thinks about you and doesn't like, I am not sure. But just bcuz she tells you this is the reason, does that mean you should believe her?, no. Just like she said she wouldn't hurt you and hinted at being a relationship and went behind her word a weeka ago....


    Keep me posted

  4. Well, just because she doesnt see how it would work doesnt mean a damn thing, to be honest. Of course you dont see how it would work, because you've never been in a relationship with that person, you are taking a chance when you get into a relationship each time, just let her know it would be like a week ago but better... I can relate, same girl I mentioned above told me that. I told her so the hell what and then made her realize that just because she doesnt see how it would work, that doesnt make sense, it is just a weak excuse as to how she really feels man. I believe there is sumthing she is not telling you as to why she doesnt really wnat to get with you, and she is holding back from hurting your feelings even more. Anyway, that's all I can say, I'm watching this thread, anything happens let me know man...


    Again, good luck and keep me updated

  5. While it was somewhat of a mistake asking her, it is still very strange that she is ignoring you and her activity and response to your texts are later or never. I cannot exactly say what it is, but I think the next step is to let her know you feel that since you asked her that, she has changed, and see where it goes from there, not through text, maybe a real fone call or in real life. And just because she didn't answer your text about the hospital does not maean she doesn't care, far from it, now if a week goes by and you dont hear from her whether it be on the fone or through text or in actuality, then there is a problem, like I said, then you will know she is taking advantage of the fact that you want her. But when she got that text, she could have been busy or too sleepy yo answer, it happens to me alot, not text messages(no cell fone, lol), but as far as emails, sumone will send me an email or pm on another forum and I just dont feel like answering at that time and just start it or close that tab and respond later...


    But yea, I think you need to talk to her about how stuff has changed since you asked her about it, if this goes well, it should make you all even closer, as far as being able to discuss things that happens between the two of you rather than telling your friends how you feel and not her, the person that really matters. Me and my friend argue a lot, but it makes us closer each time, we are very close, and believe it or not, it came from arguing and letting each other know what to do and what not to do. This relates to you and her also....


    Good luck and keep me updated

  6. While I agree with the "let her come to you" comments, I also think you should not have asked her directly. From the sounds of it, you all were already on the verge of being bf and gf. Alot of girls dont like to be asked about it, to just let it happen. I know a few girls who have told me it is kinda of childish to ask them like that, they say "it's just like giving her a note in skool with the checkboxes asking if she likes you, when you were in 5th grade". I agree with this somewhat, but you have to ask about it, maybe not directly though. With that said, I still think she believes she has you on a string and now knows she has you lovestruck by her, and eventhough you are, stop letting her know, she seems to not be the type who takes it and uses it, but more likely the kind to take advantage of it and keep u around bullshi*ting with your mind, eventhough she probably likes you just as much, she doesn't really let you know, cause you'll most likely start doing what she does. No offence meant, just being real here...


    Hope this helps.

  7. I believe by different his friend means a bit shy. He is not fully shy though, because if he was, he would be too scared to even ask you over and get intimate. I think you just need to help him get over it, tlak to him about it.


    I do not believe you should "hang in there", that is giving time for other people to come along and get in with him better than you, I know. There is a girl I liked so much but was kidna scared to make a big move on bcuz she always told me about her ex and she still had feelings for him and so on, so I just laid back and never really tried to talk to her hard, just as friends, until she told me she was over him, then I'd mvoe in, well, she did finally tell me that, but by then another guy had come along and I think they now go together, I've been working at this girl for 2 damn years, he gets her after 5 months, DONT WAIT around. Though, I do understand his game was probably way stronger than mine, he probably did not beat around the bush, oh well, her loss, I've now let her go as far as trying to get with her


    Hope that helps...

  8. I agree with all of the previous posters, but I think you should try and restrain from asking for her number during the first interaction. It will kinda make her wonder why you didn't and add mystery to it, and if you do, it may seem like that's the only thing you wanted in teh first place, from teh moment you said something. Now, if te=he conversation is a long one(whcih I would think not, since it's at a gym and you all came to work out), maybe it would be right, but I would say wait a few days before asking, she does go to this place, regularly, right? If so, yeah, wait it out, I mean, unless she just gives it to you...


    Oh yea, and keep us posted and good luck

  9. Ha, I could help u understand this better if you directed me to a pic of you...


    But just cause u havent had a bf since u were 7 doesnt mean a thing. Maybe u look so good people are scared to approach u, but I doubt it. Has anyone ever acted liek they liek u?

  10. To avoid yourself even creating this thread and being worried for a few days, why didnt u just ask him? Eventhough you realized a few minutes after, you still could have asked him. If you found he lied, now that's a whole news story.... But you should be able to trust him, seeing as he fingered you(maybe more)....

  11. Instead of how was your day, how about saying "What did you do today?". That's better and leads to some talking. How was your day can be ended in a word. It's pathetic.


    I agree witht his, I find that when u ask directly she starts to talk about specific things. One time I told a girl I talk to I wanted to know ever single thing she did, kinda of a joke, but guess what?- she told me the specifics, like what time she woke up, EVRYTHING, and that will give you an edge, then when u feel the chnace, u can jump in, interrupt, and maybe branch off, ask a question to something else, then when and if that dies, you can go back to what she did, or tell her to keep going...


    Can't believe I jus gave someone advice about conversations, I'm not so good myself, but this part I have down, taking it step by step.

  12. Thanx so far but, I am not making a big gesture to impress her at all, plz justify what you are talking about Beec,second, i make eye contact everyday, even whgen she is far away in a crowd of other girls, i do so just to give her a hint. Third..I called her yesterday but she was blow drying her hair, so can't say i am not trying to talk to her. Fourth, I am not old enough to go on a date with anyone, I'm only 15, and Beec, can u justify what you mean by body language, give some examples, Fifth.......madonnagr8 I don't know what frank means-define plz, once again, I am not old enought to go on a "date". It may seem like I am trying to get smart the way I replied, but I wasn't it's just the way I type. Thanx!

  13. I do not think that is cool In my school and in my mind that is considered a stalker, if you already had it and lost it then that would be cool, but since she never gave it to u, you should not do it, just come out of your shell and ask her, recently i bought a book on shyness and i plan on reading it cover to cover to get over mine. Hope this helps a lil

  14. I agree with everything "Beec" said, just to add my two cents, I am nearly in the same situation, but I think eye contact from accross the room is nice, that means they take notice of YOu in acrowd of people, over all the other girls in the room. But, I need more evidence or sumthing.....Does he talk to any other girls in the hall/class?....does he look at a you a repeated amount of times......if the answer is no and yes, you should ask him for his number, or try to get to know him better, even if the answer is yes and yes, you should still do the same, I don't mind the long post I made alonger post under dating and shyness, and under Attraction and Flirting It's titled "I wanna get ta know her, she's beautiful, HELP PLZ" Take some time to look at it if you could.....

  15. I don't know the reason why, it's never happened to me because I don't ask much, but the way you described it, i really think she gave you the right number, maybe you dialed wrong, or if not, then just confront her about it. Like a previous memeber said( i don't remember the name) if this is true, she is not worth your time, if she would lie to you over something that small.


    I think she shoulda just told you straight up , but I guess she didn't want to hurt your feelings

  16. There is a beautiful girl at my school. She is one grade lower than I am, she is smart and all the stuff one can ask for..... but I need to get to know her before I make my move, I pretty much can go with her right now, but I want to know how she is, bcuz that's how most relationships are meseed up. There are a few incidents where I have reason to believe she likes me, one of them is, she brings up the fact of relationships once, and I told her I hadn't had a girlfriend since the 7th frade(now in 10th), she was amazed at that, but I was too shy to ask her why, I knew but I wanted her to say it(to confirm it). I have many more, but I know you are getting tired of reading...so let me get to the point. Like I said she is beautiful,smart,nice personality, nice body and more........ I just need to know some of the things one should know before getting into a relationship. (thanx in advance). Also, I need to know some of that ways(more than one) that I can ask her to go wit me without asking her directly. One more thing, This question is for female viewers--what can I do to impress her(males welcome to answer aslo). I will keep everyone posted on how everything is going, if you need more info before you post personal message me or e-mail me at email removed. So with all that said, I thank everyone who replies to this, I forgot to mention, I think about her 14 of the 16 hours I am awake , no exaggeration! There are also other things i would like to share but I know no one wants to keep reading, so if you need/want to know more about this situation(this is only 1 of 50 instances) message me on here on my e-mail at email removed


    THANX! for reading that long post, now answer if possible.

  17. I didn't look at ALL of the responses, but I think I am the first to disagree, no offence but after middle school and 9th grade, stuff like that is over, but if you still have that mentality, and think she will be impressed,go right ahead, i would find another way if I were you, but hey, go wi what you feel wit get her to go out with you, my opinion probably won't even matter to you, but I am just trying to help.

  18. There is a beautiful girl at my school. She is one grade lower than I am, she is smart and all the stuff one can ask for..... but I need to get to know her before I make my move, I pretty much can go with her right now, but I want to know how she is, bcuz that's how most relationships are meseed up. There are a few incidents where I have reason to believe she likes me, one of them is, she brings up the fact of relationships once, and I told her I hadn't had a girlfriend since the 7th frade(now in 10th), she was amazed at that, but I was too shy to ask her why, I knew but I wanted her to say it(to confirm it). I have many more, but I know you are getting tired of reading...so let me get to the point. Like I said she is beautiful,smart,nice personality, nice body and more........ I just need to know some of the things one should know before getting into a relationship. (thanx in advance). Also, I need to know some of that ways(more than one) that I can ask her to go wit me without asking her directly. One more thing, This question is for female viewers--what can I do to impress her(males welcome to answer aslo). I will keep everyone posted on how everything is going, if you need more info before you post personal message me or e-mail me at email removed. So with all that said, I thank everyone who replies to this, I forgot to mention, I think about her 14 of the 16 hours I am awake , no exaggeration! There are also other things i would like to share but I know no one wants to keep reading, so if you need/want to know more about this situation(this is only 1 of 50 instances) message me on here on my e-mail at email removed


    THANX! for reading that long post, now answer if possible.

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