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Posts posted by ReasonToBelieve

  1. God, I can't go on feeling like this. I love this girl but I know deep down she'll probably never love me too. In fact, she loves some one else right now.


    I was talking to her through IM when her boyfriend logged on. I'm sorry, but it just hurts too bad for me to talk with her when I know that, while my attention is hanging on every word she says, her's is hanging on someone elses'. So I told her goodnite and headed to my cold lonely bed.


    I'm not jealous. I passed that long ago. I can atleast take satisfaction in knowing that if only one person can make her happy that it's being fufilled. That's not the problem...


    The problem is that the emotional toll that loving this girl is taking on me is becoming too much to bear. I got in bed and I broke down. I just prayed that I would fall asleep quickly and never wake up. I don't want to feel like this anymore. It hurts too bad and the pain never goes away.


    I've tried everything. I've tried no contact with her (which was unsuccessfully broken down by her when she, despite my explinations, didn't understand why I didn't want to talk anymore). I've tried going out with other girls but none of them even spark the least intrest in me compared to her.


    I would say my heart is broken but it was broken so long ago this pain is much worse. Having gone so long without being able to fix the broken heart magnifies the pain by a thousand.

  2. OK I've never been one to really believe in fate. Actually I never really thought about it but I was too logical to believe in it. But the other day I watched the movie "Big Fish" (good movie! kinda different tho) anyway that movie got me questioning whether there is such thing as fate and if we all have a destiny that's waiting for us. I want to believe it because I still feel down once in a while about this situation I'm in. For some reason it's comforting to think that my fate is just circling around me and it's all gonna end up ok. However, the logical side of me says that those ideas are kinda rediculous.


    So I'm asking you guys mostly just out of curiosity; do you believe in fate or that everything happens for a reason?


    Now that I think about it this post is kinda cheesy but I'm really curious about this

  3. Hey guys I was wondering if anyone could give me any advice about weight gainers and stuff you can find at places like GNC. I'm 17, a guy about 5'7 but only around 110 lbs and even tho it never bugged me before I'm starting to wish I weighed more. I don't really feel self-conscious but when I do it's almost always about how skinny I am.


    Anyway the question I had was do weight gainers help add bulk or only fat? I'm not completely unmuscular and actually am often complimented on nice abs ( haha I'm not trying to brag... this is about me being too skinny remember!). I'm afraid if I start to take these weight gainers I might lose the abs and have them replaced by a beer belly . Would weight gainers do that or would it just help me add bulk w/o losing muscle definition like I'm hoping for?

  4. Thanks guys. Its funny how blind ur feelings can make u. It should be obvious how bad she was using me this whole time but for some reason it's hard for me to not think of her as the sweet girl I've always thought of her as.


    Anyway I spent most the day getting back to my first love... basketball 8) . I've definitely had moments of weakness and regret for what I did but I know in the long run this is what I had to do, for myself.

  5. Here's my situation as of a few months ago: link removed

    (sorry if the link doesnt work... maybe a mod could help?). Anyway things got better for a while but now I find myself somehow in the same problem. So last night I initiated no contact by telling her it was stupid for me to keep calling/texting/IMing her when it feels like she really doesnt care, so i wont do it anymore. Now I have some questions as to whther no contact is really right for this:


    First, we see each other at school every day. I can't do a full no-contact because I can only limit contact outside of school. Is it still ok to do this semi- no contact?


    Also, the way I understand it, no contact is usually used after a break up. We were never really going out and I dont know if that makes this a situation where no-contact really won't work.


    O yea, thanks to the people that replied to my last post, I wanted to say thanks but for some strange reason i couldnt post anything on these boards. And like I said for a little while things seemed to get better and you guys helped me realize i was wrapped around her finger.

  6. Hey I'm really confused about what I should do and was wondering if u guys could give any help. This could get kinda long but here it goes...


    There's this girl that I've had really strong feelings for for about a year and a half. We became really good friends during this time but I could never tell her about the feelings because she is my friend's gf. I did however tell a mutual friend who I thought I could trust and she ended up telling both of them. Their relationship is pretty off and on and apparently one of the times they broke up it was because she refused to tell him that she had no feelings for me. Then on Christmas Eve she told me that she knew how i felt but that she also had feelings for me. A few days later she broke up w/ him again.


    After that me and her would talk all the time on the phone and online and we got pretty flirty at school. Lots of people thought we were actually going out even though we were pretty careful not to do anything that would cross the line considering she was fresh off a relationship w/ one of my friends. Other than that things seemed to be going really well between us. She would usually call me at certain times in the day so when one day passed w/o her calling I decided to call her and see what was up.


    Then out of the blue she told me that she had this conversation w/ him and that he made her feel really terrible and guilty and that it looked like she just broke up w/ him to go out w/ me. Then she said she didn't know how she felt about either of us. Next thing I knew she was telling me she loved him and we couldnt talk or hang out or do the stuff we used to as much because it made him jealous. I love this girl so much (although I never told her... or anyone) and I can't stand to lose her completely so I promised her I'd still be her friend although it took me about a week to fufill the promise.


    But once I did things started going pretty good again and despite her cautious attitude about what other people, especially her bf, think we were soon back to our usual flirting (although a little less obvious) and stayin up late just talking. However this past week things have been goin down hill again and I can't really explain why. I'm the one that's had to call her and when I do she usually doesnt return my calls or my texts either. I wish I could just ask her how she really feels about me and that I love her but it's just not fair for her because I really don't want to make her life more complicated and I'd rather her be happy w/o me than unhappy w/ me.


    The few people I've told about this have all told me to move on and there's other fish in the sea but they're stupid . I've tried that by doing some flirting w/ other girls and stuff but the only one I ever think about is her. So other than going fishing, is there any advice for this pathetic sap ?

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