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Everything posted by tanjy

  1. Hi , I'm new here. I came accross this site while searching the net on how to overcome depression and rejection, and thought that posting a message here might help. It all started when I asked this old friend of mine out for a date on Valentine's Day. She didn't say yes at first and said she would call me back to confirm with me later, 1 week later she called me and told me yes. As we both attended the same society group, we agreed to meet there before the date. After the meeting, it was like she was embarrassed to be seen talking with me among her friends and told me that I should go to the car park 1st and she would meet me there. Since my mom was out with the new family car before the meeting, I went back home (which is a 5 min. drive back and forth from the car park) to change cars because I wanted everything to be perfect on this first date of mine. It seems that she got irritated by the fact that I left her waiting at the car park for approx. 2 mins. because I didn't tell her that I was going back to change cars. I apologized to her over and over again about letting her wait by herself. I then took her to an Italian restaurant which I had made reservations. During the date, she kept pointing out my weaknesses (like not being able to speak my native language fluently and not having an active social life) and I felt as if she was looking down on me, she also kept telling me that she was waiting for her friends(which were all guys) to call her out. After dinner(which was terrible), we decided to go to a pub to have a drink. At the pub, we saw most of her friends there and she quickly told me to leave but would be willing to escort me back to my car cause she wanted to join her friends at the pub, and that she would follow one of her friends back home. I felt rejected and sad that the night had to end this way and just wished her goodbye, I left her a voice mail the next day apologizing about the food and about the embarrassment I had caused if any of her male friends saw me with her. This feeling of rejection left me hurt because of the fact that we used to be quite good friends a long time ago. I have trouble sleeping now and always end up crying in the morning feeling that it was my fault that the whole thing didn't turn up well. How do I patch things up with her and make things better again ??? [sorry if i included too much details, its my first time posting]
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