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Posts posted by kcopeland8515

  1. Anyone that can help me with this it will be gladly appreciated. I need advice on what kind of gift I should give my girlfriend. She is 7 months pregnant and I am looking for the perfect gift. I am stumped and I have been stumped for about a month now and christmas is just around the corner.


    With these ideas I want something just to get for her not the baby. So if anyone can help I will gladly appreciate it.

  2. Hey everyone. I will summarize this as best I can. Me and my girlfriend have been together for about 3 years. She is currently 20 years old and I am 22. Last week she told me that she had cheated on me with her exboyfriend and now she was pregnant. She said she cheated on me that one time early June. She said she was sure it was his because the condom busted. I was crushed and vowed never to talk to her again. Then during the day I started thinking. My mind was boggled with so many things. But then I got curious to thinking maybe the baby was mine. I went over her house she was crying and all that then she showed me her ultrasound. She told me she went to the doctor on October 25 to get the ultrasound done. The paper said she was 24 weeks along which is six months.


    Now just in case things like this happen I always keep records of when I have sex. Me and her had sex May 1,May 3,May 11,May 17,May 22, and May 30. I am for sure and I remember that one of those days while we were having sex the condom also busted.. I counted back the 24 weeks from October 25. And I got May 10th out of it give or take a week.

    Her due date is March 15 2007.

    She was pregnant last year with my baby and she ended up having a misscarriage. I hear about men sharing pregnancy symptoms with their mates. When she was pregnant the first time I experienced a change in appetite, morning sickness, I threw up a couple of times, I slept allot. This time before I even found out she was pregnant I realized i was going through the same things. I even threw up and the funny part is I never throw up. Im always tired, I have a lack of appetite, etc. I get about 11hrs a day of sleep. And I was never like that before.


    Basically I just want to know what is the probability of the baby being mine .

    Do yall think its mine?

    Me personally I think its mine.

    She wants it to be mine but she says she really think its his.

    I am already going to get a paternity test immediately after the baby is born but I am looking for someones else's opinions.

  3. yeah just ask again. who cares if she gets mad. When you ask again all you are doing is seeing if she gives the same answer. If she gets mad and doesnt answer then worry. a guilty person no matter what kind of question it is if they have nothing to hide they will answer casually. if she gets defensive again then worry. when u ask her again its important to wait about 2 days. so that if she is lying then she wont remember what she said. Act normal and dont mention it at all. then kind of smooth it into the conversation.

    sample senarios

    girl: yes i love the young and the restless

    boy: my mother loves that show

    girl: mine too

    boy u went over your mom's house the other day did you watch it with her.

    her responses may be

    1.Girl: yes (but she left at 5:00, it comes on at 2:00 so its impossible)


    2. Girl: I didn't go see my mom this week( oops her excuse was she did, also you couldve just called her mom and asked if she left her coat over either she'll say no or she may say she never came by.)


    3,Girl: What do you mean (if she says this she just realized what you were doing. You didnt say anything she couldn't understand she just said that to get an excuse together or to react. don't repeat it when she ask that question just say nevermind and she will ask u again wat u said because now she worried, now she thinks you know)


    No matter what never accuse anybody of anything because whether she did it or not she will automatically be put on the defensive

  4. This relationship is so complicated. I am 21 year old male. I met this girl about a year and a half ago in May through a mutual friend. A week after that we started going out. Everything went good till about December when she told me she had cheated on me in June. I was going to leave but I just thought I would forgive her. She has never given me anything. At her birthday party we had it in a hotel. She came in with her exboyfriend and both of them were drunk and she acted like I wasnt even in the room. On my 21st birthday we were going to spend the day together but she stood me up. She constantly lies. When I ask her questions concerning what shes been doing even if I ask her wat she did during the day she says im in her business. Before when I used to call her she would never pick up the phone. Then I would call from a private number and she would pick up. So I stopped calling her. She calls me everyday though without fail and tells me she loves me and what not. She is very secretive. She only has guy friends and she'll spend more time with them then me. even if they just smoking or getting drunk. I dont do that. Her phone rings off the hook with guys calling her. She has even stood me up to do things with them. SHe says shes not cheating on me. I have tried to break up with her 2 times. About 3 months ago I slipped up and now she is pregnant. Now I really dont know what to do. I know its not working out anymore. SHe ask me why dont I trust her and she tells me to trust her but with all the stuff she does would you? anyway I just need advice on what to do

  5. I met this girl about a month ago by a mutual friend. During the month we've call each other almost everyday, went out a couple times a week, and i visit her at least 4 times a week just to say hi and talk. We've already kiss plenty of times. 2 days ago she called me up and said she had something to tell me but she said she wanted to tell me to my face. So we went out yesterday and she told me she loved me. I couldn't say that I loved her because its still to soon.


    What I want to know is that is it possible for her to love me in a month?

    What should I do. I dont want to mess up anything. She said she loved me because I was sweet and had a good personality, and she liked the way I looked. About 2 months ago she had a boyfriend who didn't treat her right. so right now she'll probably will fall in love with any guy she likes

  6. Im 19 and the girl im going out with is 18. Ive been going out with this girl for 2 weeks. We met by a mutual friend and I instantly felt an attraction. The first place we went to was a mall together it was me the girl, my friend and his girl. I talked and got to know her more and I could tell she was feeling me. The second time we went to another mall and we had a good time. I bought her a watch and she asked me to be her girlfriend. I said yes and know were going together. The Third place we went to was a Ginuwine and Joe Concert for the house of BLues. One of the best times I had in my life. We were dancing together most of time and talking and having a great time. I loved it. Then she asked me for a kiss at the concert. I told I i wouldn't give her the kiss right now so I waited till i dropped her off. When we got to her house I said goodbye and I asked her if she still want the kiss. She said yes so we started. We lip kissed about 10 seconds then I pulled away teasing her. then I she said why did you pull away she want more. So me being the upstanding gentalman I kissed her some more.

    Thats the background of our relationship now she asked me If I wanted to go to her church. I really don't want too. I've been slacking off from going to church and I just not ready to go to her church yet. My dads a different religion, my moms a different religion. I still dont know what I am yet. How should I go about telling her that I dont want to visit her church yet without offending her.

  7. I've been talking to this girl for about 3 months. We talk on the phone and I visit her. We usually talk for about 45 min and I visit for like an hour. I had asked her if we could go out about about a month ago and she said her parents wouldn't let her and I had to visit. I visited the other day and she wasn't home but her dad was. I talked to him and he said that he and her mom liked me and they are hoping that we hook up. But when they talk to her about me and hooking up all she does is giggle and smile. What do i do?

    Does she want to hook up with me.

  8. Im 19 years old and the girl im currently talking to is 18. I met her at the restuarant where i work at about 2 months ago. We've been talking on the phone since then. Sometimes i get the feeling she doesn't want to talk to me. I asked her if she wanted to go out sometime and she was always busy. Finally i asked her again and she said i had to meet her parents because they wont let her go out with me until i meet them. I started feeling that she was not interested in me anymore so I wrote her a note explaining how I feel. In the not is said that I dont want to waste her time if she doesn't want to talk to me. I also said that If she didn't want me to take her out all she had to do was tell me. I told her to call me and tell me. She called me about 2 days later and said "what makes you think that" She told me she was still interested. What do I do. For valentines day I dropped off a gift at her house and met her mom. I even gave her mom something. Her mom look surprised and know when i call she says hi to me.

    Also there are times when I call her and she'll pick up and tell me to call her back in about 25 minutes. When I finally call either no one answers the phone or her mom answers the phone and says shes sleep.


    Is she leading me on. Anybody Please reply with your thoughts or comments im so confused

  9. Im 19 yrs old and the girl who im currently talking to is 18. We been talking for about 2 months. We talk on the phone about 3 times a week and for about 45 minutes at a time. I asked her if we could go out sometime. All the times i asked her before she was busy. I asked her again and she said that I would have to come over their house and meet her parents. What do i do. Im not very good in those situations. What do I say. I want to be able to keep a conversation with them but im not good at that. How do I act around the girl. Just some one give me advice on how to act.

  10. Thnks for the advice. I was thinking about telling her how i felt but lest say she doesn't feel the same way. Then i could be jeopardizing the friendship we have. If i dont say anything though we will still have that line of communication. But then if she's not happy with it theres no reason to continue the relationship. I DONT KNOW

  11. I work at a restaurant. There was this girl that came in occasionally with her aunt and uncle. One day Her uncle came in and told me she like me then he gave me her number. I didn't call her because i had been busy then a week later he asked for my number. The girl called on Sunday and seemed really interested me. I asked her out and she said yeah. We chose a day and it was in place. The day before that i called her and she said she was sick so i canceled it. We have been talking on the phone for almost two months now. During that time i asked her out about 2 more times. I would call her about 3 times a week and we'd talk for about an hour each time. She seems interested always asking me about myself. Why doesn't she call me? The last time i asked her out she said that her parents had to meet me first before i could take her anywhere. So on valentines day i stopped by her house even though she wasn't home dropped off my gift and met her mom.She didn't no who i was. i also gave her a gift. I want to know why she doesn't call me? Is she purposely avoiding going out and why? Can someone give me advice. I at least want to take her out once.


    Also she's leaving for college in the summer.

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