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Posts posted by DJHIPHOP

  1. Well, here is my situation!! about two weeks ago i met this amazing girl in one of my classes at school!! i was the first one to make a move, meaning starting the conversation, after awhile we started to get along!! she gave me her number out of the blue, so i returned the favor and gave her mine!! she told me that she had a boyfriend, at first i was like oh, man but then i was cool with it!! she told me to call her if i didnt have any plans for the weekend. Well, i did call her and she said lets go to the movies, and i was like okay!! in a way, we started to click great, we told each other everything about our lives, and for some reason she felt close to me because of the type of person that i am!! im sweet, caring, romantic and funny(thats what she likes about me) But, also, she fell in love with my eyes because of my long curly eyelashes and she did was stare at them!! but anyways, i had a great time with her that nite, and the following day, she asked me if i could pick her up from work and take her home, so i did, and we spent like three hours in my car just talking again!! once again, the following day, i asked her to dinner and she accepted!! so we went out again, and we had alot of fun!! about two days later we went out again, so basically it was like four days out of seven days that we saw each other!! i mean she has a boyfriend but lately she has been feeling kinda down because she had a fight with her boyfriend about why she is going out with guys!! but i dont think its fair to tell her who, she should go out with!! its like he's controlling what friends she should have!! so heres the problem, she told me that we have to back off going out with each other!! i was like what!! i didnt know it was illegal to go out with friends that are guys or girls!! is her boyfriend feeling jealous or is not trustworthy? thats why im feeling kinda down because of her boyfriend!! i luv having fun with her, and at some point i wanted to kiss her so badly but since she has a man, i dont want to do anything stupid!! so what should i do about this? please help

  2. Well, i met this girl in one of classes!! man, is she pretty!! well, im the friendly type so heres what happened? i introduced myself to her and she did the same!! we start to talk and man, were we getting along great!! she would laugh at everything that i would say!! i have some nice eyes because i have some long curly eyelashes for a guy and she always stares at them, i mean i dont have a problem with that!! heres my situation!! she told me that she has a boyfriend!! i got sort of upset because i had a feeling that she did, but she said that they were having problems and she didnt know what to do!! we have gone out three times in the past week, which is great!! we get along great, and she tells me that she feels comfortable with me!! so i would like to know what to do, because i would luv to make the next move but im not sure if i should or not!! need some advice

  3. Well, here is my situation!! about two days ago, i asked one of "girl" friends out meaning i asked her if she wanted to start seeing each other, because in a way she wanted me to ask her out, to be more than friends!! and i did ask her, and she was surprised i guess!! she told me that she need time to think about it, so i gave her time and she finally told me today that im such a great guy and she sees herself going out with me but she doesnt want that right now!! the concept of dating!! i mean i was in a disappointed because i care about her and i like her and i want to start something with her!! so, she told me that she wants us to be "close" friends for now. What exactly does that mean? So, i was wondering do u think that since we're close friends that we can still go out with each other, or is it bad? i mean we can go out with each other to the movies, dinner, etc.? i mean if u have any suggestions or advice, please let me know!! oh, yeah by the way do u think if we go out as friends maybe we can hook up or something/

  4. Well, here is my situation!! well, i met this girl at work. I mean, we get along so great, and i really like her and now i want to ask her out. In a way she is expecting me to ask her out!! here is the problem!! well, we both go to school and then we both work! so i want to know how we can make time for each other u know to go out to the movies, dinner, etc. I mean we doesnt mind staying home or whatever, but i really want to take her out, but at the same its like she works that one day, and i dont and its vice-versa!! Can we make time for each other, or its going to be hard!! well, this is my first time in this situation, because honestly i want to start dating her but its going to be hard because we're very busy!! well, i hope someone can help me out by giving me advice, hit me up if u can

  5. Well, here's my situation!! my girlfriend broke up with me like three weeks ago!! its been a living hell for me because i really want to be with her but at the same time she broke up with me!! i mean to me, i think she's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, but she now has a new boyfriend!! so do u recommend for me to start dating again or what? how would dating again help me in order for to go back to my ex or its not a possibilty? i would luv some advice!! because i mean if she has a new boyfriend, and i hate seeing it, should i find someone else even though i dont want to because im waiting for her!!

  6. hey, well, we're not tight but we're close to that!! well, ur suggesting for me to ask my ex's sister to talk with her!! if she does, then my ex is going to question her because she would probably ask her how she knows this stuff!! u dont think i should be the one telling her then or what? or u recommend someone close to her to do for me!! also, i mean, so ur saying that if i take my friend and his sister, even though, they were there in person when everything was going down, to not be there if they are evidence? well, i dont know, give me some advice

  7. hey clambert, well, actually its my friend's sister, that is being used as the decoy!! my friend he's going out with my girl's sister!! thats crazy, huh!! so we became close, since we are dating sisters!! well, i mean she's helping me out because i need it a girl to talk to him to see what kinda of stuff he talks about! well, as u can see, he's playing her nasty!! im just wondering if it all goes according to plan u know!! i mean obviously when i tell her, my friend and his sister are going to be with me!! because they were witnesses and his sister can explain everything to her, meaning what they talked about on the phone!! what do u think? write back okay!! what would u do in my position?

  8. Well, here's my situation!! well, my girl broke up with me like two weeks ago, and now she's with some other guy, why did she do that? does she love me still? well, here's whats going on? i barely found that this guy is a player? and she doesnt know it! one of my girlfriends saw his pictures on the internet and she talked to chat with him, it started to get pretty heated up with for example, she asked him so what kinda girls do u like? then she asked him, do u have a girlfriend? he didnt respond to that!! then he gave her, his number? why would u give a girl that u hardly know ur number? that night, she called him, and they were having a pretty long conversation, and she asked him again, do u have a girlfriend or what? because i dont want to have problems with that!! so do u know what he said, "NO, i dont have a girlfriend, i dont have time for one, i mean, even if i had one, i would still mess around." First off, how dare you deny that my girl is not ur girlfriend!! is that sign of something or what? he basically lied about everything!! i record the whole thing and plus i printed out the whole online chat thing!! so what im asking for is this? should i tell her now because she hasnt built any serious feelings for him yet but at the same time she can probably fall in love with guy? or do i let it play out until god i dont know how long!! people are telling to not say anything, others r saying that u should tell her!! anybody out there hit me up and let me know about my situation

  9. Im sorry, Clambert, well, i was wondering!! since ur a female, u think that i should tell her? i mean isnt there always sides, though!! i mean if i tell her she can feel happy i guess, or the other side which is that she will be mad or something!! i mean my evidence is awesome!! hey by the way i posted a new topic, hit it up because it tells u exactly what my evidence is okay, and write back to it

  10. well, i was wondering if i tell her now wouldnt it be better since she's barely starting to built feelings for this guy!! because what happens if she falls in love with him, then what? i dont know but i feel like letting her know because my evidence or proof is excellent!! i have internet chats with one of my friends, tape recordings from the phone, etc.

  11. Well, here's my situation!! well, my girl broke up with me about two weeks ago, and decided to see this other guy!! i have been doing the "no contact" rule and i was wondering if this applies if ur girl is with some other guy! well, also, people have been telling that he's playing her and that when he talks to other girls, he says that he doesnt have a girlfriend, does have time for one, and he said even if i have one, i dont care! should i tell my girl that he's playing her now because if i do it later then its going to mess her up!! or if i tell her shes going to say that im interfering with her life!! any advice, it would help

  12. Well, i was wondering does the whole "no contact" rule work if ur girl is with some other guy or what? im having a problem with that!! i dont know what to do!! any advice on that or what? well, also, i heard that it takes 2-3 months before the ex comes back to u!! is that true? well, i wanted to know if ur girl is with some other guy but it hasnt really gotten serious, will she start to forget about me, since she doesnt hear from me, or weill she think that i found someone else!! here's the last question that i have in mind, why would ur girl start to see some other guy when ur trying so hard to save ur relationship, its like she didnt even put thought into it, is she using him as a distraction, but this guy that she's seeing, he's a player, and she doesnt know it only i do and my friend!! should i tell her or let it play out, but i dont want my girl to messed up, will she come to me if something goes wrong, or will she hesitate to call me or look for me if she breaks up with him or she plays her!! i want to know if she will come back to me if anything happens there with them

  13. okay

    i just want to know if you two tried talking about what makes you guys happy. she can't only be happy, you got to be happy too. she says she needs her time so good, let her. maybe you can try to get to know her again when you guys talk on the phone again. try to find out what makes her happy, you need to sound interested too. you can compliment but not too much.

    hope that works for some time

  14. Well, here is my situation!! well, i have a friend who is only 15 years old and his girlfriend is 15 also!! my question is that his girl always looks at girls when they are together and she talks about having a threesome with him but he doesnt want to because he loves her and cant bare to have sex with some other person, u know!! well, i was wondering if she's bisexual or what? any advice

  15. well, i was wondering, u dont think that my girl is building feelings for this guy, when he's a player and she doesnt know it!! i mean i dont want her to fall for this guy u know because i want to be with her again!! ill do anything and i dont want to see her get messed up on the long run when he gets caught!! im no expert, but i really miss her, and i love her so much, i would give up my life for her, u know!! but this guy is in a fraternity which means alot of girls at parties, drinking, and i dont want my girl to be doing that stuff!! well, i was wondering im like the sweetest, caring, romantic, type of guy and my girl knows this because that's what she loves about me!! but what i didnt do for her was the little things like for example, i would always buy her food, instead of making her food, like a sandwhich or whatever!! take pictures together, etc.!! it makes me seem like i did something wrong, because there is no such thing as a perfect guy but i come close to it!! it seems like its my fault!! what do u think i should? or its not me, its her? i dont know!! well, i have another question for u because u know what ur talking about, lets say i do the "no contact" rule does it apply if ur girl is with some guy or what? well, hope to hear from u soon okay

  16. Well, i was wondering about that, you know!! i thought by doing the "no contact" rule, i started to think about, u know is she going to forget about me!! i mean i was with her for over 2 years!! i honestly dont want to move on without her, because we want to get married and all that good stuff!!

    so the "no contact" rule should work, right? another question is that does the "no contact" rule apply if lets say ur girlfriend is seeing some other guy or what? hope to hear from u people soon

  17. Well, i was wondering well the "no contact" rule means not getting in touch with ur girlfriend, via email, telephone, text messaging, and not seeing her in person, right!! well, lets say you're doing all this right, im getting hurt, but what i want to know is if u do this "no contact" rule, isnt ur girl going to start to forget about you, or what? i really dont know much about this so hopefully some of you out there can provide me with the facts!! hope to hear from u soon

  18. well, i understand!! its like i said i dont want to see my girl get hurt by this guy since what i described he's a player! what i want to know is for anybody out there with experience about this subject, are guys who are players the type to stay in a long term relationship, what exactly r they longing for? i hope to hear from someone!! oh yeah by the way i should leave this alone then or what!! because isnt it better for her to know now then later when she gets messed up big time!!

  19. Well, here's is another situation!! well, my girlfriend broke up with me like a couple of weeks ago!! she automatically hooked up with this other guy, out of the blue!! she tells me that she's feeling happy with him!! but what she doesn't know is that this guy is playa!! meaning i see him flirt with other girls and im emailing him as a female, meaning that i created an account where im a hot girl and i started to write to him and i talk sexy to him and he talks more sexier than me, talking about me going to a party with him and him freaking me!! hello, is this guy stupid or what? my girl is 21 and he's 19!! does that mean anything or what? well, i was wondering should i leave this alone, because honestly i dont want her to get all messed up over this, when she doesnt know that he's playing her in a way!! any suggestions, please, tell me

  20. well, here's my situation!! i hope somebody out there can help me out!! ive been with my girlfriend for over 2 years!! we been having problems but who doesn't right!! well, all of sudden she got with these guy!! and i dont know understand that!! she loves me and misses me but she's with another guy!! im so confused and i know she is more confused!! i dont know what to do!! i would do anything for my girl!! i would give my life in order for her to live!! im the most sweetest, caring, romantic kinda guy!! i always want to spoil her, meaning buying her gifts, im always there for her when she's sick, because thats all i want to, take care of her!! so basically i dont know what to do!! i miss her so much, i think about her everyday, and it hurts to see her with some other guy because she said she need space and time and i gave it to her, so, she goes with some guy!! i dont understand that!! well, i hope to hear from u people out there

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