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Everything posted by BeeToo

  1. I miss you and can't stop thinking about you. Little details of my life remind me of you. I wish you would turn around and lose your pride and talk to me. I know you still like me and you know I still like you. Yes I broke up but you have to understand I had no other choice. I wish you would just realize what you did to me and what pushed me away from you and make an effort to change. I also don't know why you got on facebook today 3 times and didn't change your status when I already did. When we got together the last time the first thing you did was change it, so something is clearly bothering you. Are you still not ready to let go completely? Just know that for now, I'm keeping the doors open, I love you a lot and I wish you'd come back to me with a new perspective on our relationship, I wish you'd come back knowing that in order for relationships to work, you have to do some work too. I miss you every moment of my life, and even though you hurt me a lot I just can't seem to stop thinking about the good times we had. We had so many plans together and if only you were the guy I fell in love with and hadn't become so rude for an ego boost than we could probably last forever. If it wasn't for your lack of respect, than everything would be fine, because I always fine with your flaws, I loved them as much as I loved your qualities. What I didn't love was you disrespecting me as a person, making me feel less than I am, not giving me what I deserve. But I know that you can be a good guy... Please think about us, and how you could be throwing away something that could be great. I love you and always will.
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