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  1. So I'm moving tomorrow. I wish you were here to keep me from freaking out; I wish you were here just to talk to. I still miss you so much. I feel like I'm throwing away everything I built over the last few years like how you threw our relationship away after a few months. But I guess I need this fresh start to begin my life anew. I hope you're good. Be well.
  2. It's been one month since you broke up with me. I'm really tired of feeling sad and rejected and lonely. I think it's worse because you're on your spring break now with your friends, and you're probably having the time of your life. Meanwhile, I'm stuck at home, miserable and wallowing in self-pity. I still don't understand how things could change so fast. How one day you're holding me and calling me your baby... and a few days later you tell me you just want to be friends. This no contact thing is really hard. It's even harder when you send random text messages. But you haven't done that in a week, so you've hopefully gotten the hint. As soon as I got that text, here is the response I typed for you: "And I wanted to congratulate you on your solo. So proud of you. Just give me some time OK? Have a great vacay next week. Be well." But I couldn't send it. I'm just not over you or the pain yet. So be well, Jim. I'm doing the best I can.
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