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Everything posted by MrPenguin

  1. I'm 22, essentially a grown man, and I'm crying right now, tears and all. It finally hit me as we parted after the graduation ceremony tonight that you'd be gone and out of the country in 4 days, and that I might not see you again...maybe not for years, maybe never again. I feel so much loss at this moment, and it takes all my strength to stop myself from pleading with you to not go back to Korea--from begging you to figure something out with me. Yet I know life does not play out like a rom-com. I can't stop you at the airport, say I love you, and expect you to stay. I can't do anything about circumstance and timing after the fact. I know I have to get over you--to move on. I do hope so much that we can be together again someday, but I know it can't be now. I know that holding on to this hope will turn into self-sabotage, so I will do all I can to bury it from my thoughts. I guess going no-contact might be one step in the right direction, but it hurts so much to force myself to cut you off. I can't bring myself to completely remove you from Facebook, but I will remove the temptation of FB chat and unsubscribe from you. I won't call; I won't text; I won't email; I won't go to your Facebook page. This is my farewell. This is day 1 of no contact....
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