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  1. I remember feeling like you did when I was 17--especially the part about people looking but not saying anything. With the exception of height (I was 5'10") your description sounds a lot like mine, and your worry about finding a guy is probably more common than you think. One thing you said really stands out. You mentioned that you walk around school like you've got an attitude problem and that you apparently look scary. You may have hit the nail right on the head with that observation. If you're not approachable, people won't approach you. Some of the loveliest people in the world are alone because they're carring a cold aura, and people sense it. Maybe it's time for you to open up. Could be you're also too concerned about the outside (skin tone, H&M clothes, which i love too by the way)? Maybe you can put yourself into more situations where people can get to know the real you--your thoughts, dreams, emotions, etc. If you haven't done so already, find a group at school that interests you and get involved. It's a great way to meet people (read: boys).
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