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Everything posted by emma7614

  1. Unfortunately, I didn't just give him a peck on the cheeks. It was a more involved kiss (making out , as some would call it). It was a drunken moment and it happened. I'm not going to kid myself and say that I didnt' know it was a mistake when I did it. But I was having fun and was being completely selfish. I know what I did was wrong, but I'm afraid it's too late. He called me and asked me if I'm freaking out about what happened, and although I said no, and told him that i know it didn't mean anything, i know that he knows I'm extremely uncomfortable with the situation. He want's to date me despite knowing that I just want to be friends. I'm in a bind and I guess will just have to learn from my mistake. Thanks, everybody, for your advice.
  2. i made a mistake of kissing a friend couple of nights ago. i thought we were just having fun but i realized today that he really likes me. i really like him as a friend and i don't want to lose this friendship. how do i tell him im not interested without hurting his feelings?
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