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Posts posted by icepixie

  1. Ash and Morrigan are right.. it really depends when in her cycle you guyz had sex. And the feelings shes having.. like nausea (or whatever hers are) really could just be caused by her being nervous.. You guyz should just buy a pregnancy test and see for yourselves.. maybe you should go with her to buy it so she doesn't feel so akward.. because I doubt that her parents know that shes sexually active.. How old are you though? But maybe she should talk it over with her parents just in case, so they can know that she thinks shes ready for such a step and they can get her on birthcontrol so the next time you guyz have sex you wont have to worry so much about her getting pregnant.. you also have to remember birth control isnt 100% guaranteed that the girl wont get pregnant.. so even if her parents get her on it.. It would be a good idea to also use condoms..

    good luck on all of this

  2. Im sorry you guyz broke up hun. I know it hurts, especially after seven months... From what all you said.. it makes me think.. if you guyz just broke up not that long ago and he has already made out with a couple of girls and hooked up with one (there could be more you dont know about) then maybe he really didn't love you as much as he says he did.. because if he was so in love with you hurting when you guyz broke up then he would be totally against being with another woman.. sure when he just hooked up there was no emotional attatchment, but theres still some kind of attatchment considering sex is such an intimate thing.. what all I've been saying might not make sense right now.. but just think about it... cuz I know after seven months.. he wouldn't be ready to do anything with another person.. my current boyfriend wouldn't start dating me until many months had passes since he broke up with his previous girlfriend.. He didn't love her that much.. and the most they ever did was makeout.. and with that little bit it still took months for him to heal.. so it just doesn't seem like Josh would be ready to do that just yet... I dunno.. thats just my opinion..

  3. Wow.. thats a hard one. It depends are you still married to him? or are you guyz actually divorced. If you guy are still technically married then you won't have to leave the country.. but if you have a document saying your divorced then they will probably make you leave the country.. I know it still hurts.. It makes sense.. its hard leaving a relationship when you two people were in love. It will take some time to heal. I wish you the best, and good luck.


    *Ice Pixie*

  4. Hey whats cheating? lol.. I actually didn't meant to post it twice.. (although it has happened twice) my computer was being stupid... but yeah.. the one post was an accident... lol.. I hate the giggles.. they ruin perfect moods to much.. lol.. ugh.. like when he tickles me.. I hate it.. I hate being tickled.. I'm like the most ticklish person ever... lol if someone pokes me in the ribs or tickles me and I didn't know they were going to do that.. or I didn't see them. I'll scream.. its funny.. but still I hate it... I don't know why I mentioned that.. but okay..

  5. everytime my boyfriend and I would kiss I would start laughing.. I remember once.. everything was perfect and he was holding me in his arms.. and he was kissing me so perfectly but for no reason I just busted out laughing.. how messed up is that. talk about mood killer huh.

  6. Ugg.. I always have the worst case of giggles no matter where I am.. like when I'm in class.. I'll start laughing for no reason.. anyways.. once my boyfriend and I were making out and everything was so perfect.. and for no reason I started laughing... he was like "whats so funny" and I was like "I have no idea" so we just sat there in silence for a moment, then we tried kissing again and as soon as our lips touched I busted out laughing again .. kind of a cramp in the moment huh...

  7. Cids right you just need to go with the flow.. when I had my first kiss I was so nervous and I didn't know what to do. but once he kissed me.. its like magically I knew what to do.. My first kiss was great.. it was over spring break.. and it was snowing outside (snowing during SPRING break. how ironic) and it was cold and we were talking and walking around when all of the sudden he just grabbed my face really lightly and kissed me.. it was so great.. I felt my knees kinda give in..and he noticed to.. he was like "walk much" .. lol it was great.. he even helped me walk back to my house. Good luck on ur first kiss! Write and tell how it went!

  8. I doubt he would break up with me for that.. well I hope he wouldn't. I want to bring up how I feel, and talk it over with him. But I know that he will get mad that I feel this way, and he will say how I don't trust him and such.. and so it would just start a big mess that I don't want to get into..but should I do it anyways. or should I just keep how I feel inside?

  9. Thankyou everyone really!

    It makes a lot of sense what you all are telling me.. I know I should wait.. plus I know I am too young... but he is also a virgin ( i dont think I mentioned that) . but If he doesnt want to stay with me because I dont have sex with him.. then I can find someone else who will love me for me. not for anything that I can do for them. Maybe if him and I date for years.. I'll consider sex.. but otherwise I can just think about it in my head (lol heheheh) anyways.. I really just wanted to thank you all!


    -Ice Pixie

  10. thankx mahlina and mandylee4chris, I understand what you guyz mean.. maybe I will wait. It would make things a lot easier. but.. what if he leaves me or something.. because we dont do it... (I know ur gonna say then he isnt worth it) but like what if us not doing it wont allow us to get closer, and sooner or later we'd grow apart and break up... What should I do then?

  11. okay.. my boyfriends birthday is coming up, and I think he thinks that I am going to have sex with him on his birthday.. should I do it? we've never had sex before. and we've only been dating about two and a half months.. I love him. but I don't know if I should. I want to also.. but what if something happens between us and we break up. I will be so hurt afterwards.. especially since I'd be losing my virginity to him.. What should I do? Help I need some advice!

  12. xoxoxo21- thanks also its good to hear that Im not the only girl who gets jealous of thier bf talking to other girls! I know he would never leave me, or do anything to hurt me.. but its like if their prettier than I am.. or have a better body.. it just makes me kinda nervous.. cuz hes a hottie.. and deserves to date a hottie.. but im not one.. and I dont want him lookin at other girls ya know..

  13. thanks for the advice Sebulous!

    when I said how he compares me to his ex. it wasn't in a good way.. like when I do something wrong he'll be like this is exactly what she did. your going down the same path she is. ugh.. and I hate it.. IM NOTHING LIKE HER! she treated him horribly. like when they were going out he hurt his back weight lifting and when it was finally healing she kicked him, right in the back. and messed it up permanantly! and I asked him if he would ever go back out with her and he didnt know if he would... I mean come on she could of paralized him and he still considers going back out with her... plus she always messed with his emotions and she did things to make him jealous knowing it hurt him so much... and I hate how they are still friends... ugh.. I hate being jealous.. but I dunno.. I cant control how I feel.. ... I still just dont know how he could compare me to her.. Im nothing like her.. im not that mean of a person....

  14. I've been with my boyfriend for about two months (yeah wow i know its so long.. lol) but I get jealous pretty easily. for example, I'll walk up to him and he will be talking to a girl and I will just explode(inside) I hate seeing him talking to other girls even though I know he'd never do anything to hurt me. And even if I know the girl has a bf I'll still get jealous.. When we fight. even if its over something really small.. I get so hurt.. If I know hes the slightest bit angry with me.. I cry... and I told him about it and he told me not to tell him things like that.. cuz with the way he is he'll use it against our realtionship. And when hes not happy.. it makes me really unhappy. Like if hes not his normal smily,laughing self it feels as though its my fault hes unhappy.. and it depresses me and I try to do everything I can to make him feel better. And not to mention when I do something wrong or say something wrong he uses it against me for the longest time.. but if I was to ever use something he did or said against him.. he would be so angry and most likely end the relationship. He never seems to let things go. And he compares me to his ex-girlfriend... Is our realationship worth it? Should I try to work through all of this, or should I just say forget it? I need advice!

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