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  1. Hey. I sent you an email with a ton of questions and even slightly pleading for you to see the value in our relationship. I never mailed it to you though. I did contact you today, too, but thankfully I had the sense to *67 my number and you didn't answer. At least I retained some of my dignity, lol. How could you just up and leave me? How could you not even try to work it out with me? Why did you feel that I needed to be your wife first before we worked out our situation? Our relationship wasn't bad at all- just some communication issues I tried to work on with you, but your thinking is so 'structured' as you say that when you made up your mind, that was it. It's like you didn't even try to change. Everyday, I am working on getting over you. It's amazing how one minute I feel strong and I can say 'screw you' and the next minute I am almost sobbing or am sobbing because I want you to come back to me and tell me we can work this out. I am crying as I type this. I've never felt this way before. I have so much positives in my life, yet whenever I try to focus on them, my mind switches back to you. I know God is going to help me get through this- He has to... my only question is when will he relieve me from this ache in my heart. Bye...for now.
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