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Posts posted by Panda360

  1. I have this really good friend, and we've been really good friends for a long time now. This coming valentines day I'm going to ask her to be my valentine and I was just wondering if I should ask her out also. I don't know I'm afraid she might say no or get to shocked. What should I do? and should I even ask her to be my valentine? please help

  2. I recently told a really good friend.. who I very much trusted and liked.. that I liked her... and our friendship went kinda drab after that... I dont know what to do.. we still talk and all.. but i wished it would be back the way it was before i told her i liked her.. what should i do???

  3. I mean all the people i asked out were my friends and i knew them and all... But if you ask out one of your closests friends and they say no, does it make your friendship any worse? Will she think worse of you or when she does say no, will it hurt? Im kinda confused cuz i want to ask out of my closest friends but im afriad of the answer.. if she says yes.. then thats great. And if she says no, then...


    Additional Information: She likes another guy, but she doesnt want to like him... like she says once you start liking a guy its hard to stop liking him... but she really wants to stop liking him because she doesnt see whats so great about him... I dunno what to do... please help.

  4. For the past couple months since the beginning of school, life just got really dull... My friends started to pop in and out of my life. I mean the first month of school I got so much stress that everyone started to talk to me and stuff. Now, near the 3rd month since school started I still have the same feeling of being depressed. Now I don't really feel like telling anyone because all the attention and the questions really bother me. So now at school I always keep up a fake smile and laugh whenever anyone else does... I don't know what to do. Im 16 and all this crap revolving around me is interfering with so many things. Please help. I don't know what to do.

  5. Well I've liked this girl for quit a while now. We talk like everyday online but hardly personally.. cause i guess im to shy to talk to her face to face.. kinda weird right? Well I wanted to ask her out but I dont know what to do.. Im 16 and shes 15... Her parents are really strict and never lets her go anywhere over the weekends.. the only place shes allowed to go is school and church.. And they definitely dont approve dating.. Well anyways i go one my other friends and ask her to ask if she liked me not as a friend but like really like me.. she said no, but I don't know if I should ask her out.. She told my friend that she would only date people that she really likes and it would have to be in secret.. fsdafsjkaldjfslkas;dfjasdlkjfsa; i dont know what to do...

  6. My friend recently told me that she went to a lockin at church, She said while she was sleeping and older friend (male) came to her and... touched her.... she was awake the whole time and didnt know what to do so she just pretended to sleep... Now, shes scared to tell anyone about her problem.. and shes really confused.. what should she DO??? PLEASE ANSWER QUICK!!!!!

  7. You know sometimes.. Whatever I do.. I always seem to screw everything up for everyone ... I just try to help and when they ask for it I always accept to help. But, whenever I try to help I screw up in ways that are totally unimaginable.. Some things I have screwed up for people are, their relationships, their grades, their social lives, their trust, and many more... I ask the question, Is everything my fault?.. well i guess it is since I'm the one asking for help.. All my friends are keeping their distance from me and I keep wondering, if i keep screwing up on everything, Is it worth to live and see what I become? I don't want to bear the thought that ill be a total oddball when I get older. I don't know what to do and the only thing I can think of is just ending my life right here, right now... Is this the right thing to do?

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