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Waiting for burn to end

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Posts posted by Waiting for burn to end

  1. I might not understand your question, but if it was how to give a bj, no teeth, beneath the head on the ground side of the penis is the most sensitive, and play with his balls (very very lightly). If your real adventurous, put his balls in your mouth, he'd be stoked. Leon's right, us guys like it when chicks take control of the situation, not all night, but for a while. Give and take, be a strong leader and then tell him its his turn ya know! Good luck, and sucking a penis is not a bad thing, helps you not get cancer or something!

  2. Hey man, When I was 17 I was pretty much the same, lame when it came to asking out girls. Now I'm 23 and have learned a lot in those six years. If only I could go back to that time now. I'll give you two bits of advice that will keep you running in the woman section.


    1)Remember that the worst that could happen is that she might say no, but if you never try, you'll never get that date that you dreamed of. Just make yourself do it, make a friend owe you a beer or five bucks or something if you do it, just make yourself do it and you won't regret it. 9 out of 10 will say yes just because you had the balls to ask her. Once you get an in, the rest is cake.


    2)CONFIDENCE - when you talk to her, look her in the eye and don't stop, it might even hurt to keep staring if you are really shy, but don't look away at all. You'll start to notice her look away like you used to, and then you got her, she'll start to feel how strong your presense is. She'll like the fact that some guy walked up to her and kept all his focus on her. Women love men that show they are unafraid, especially of her, so don't look away, and try to keep nervous hand movements and stuff down.


    Good luck and I guarantee you'll be telling that girl Bis Bald! O and yea most chicks love accents!

  3. Thats a tough one man, but I give one real good reason for her quirkiness, shes confused. She probably wanted some time to try and understand exactly how she feels about yalls future, but you keep coming at her, which she obviously likes, but then she gets a chance to think about it when yall don't talk and again feels she wants time. I'd say, the next time you talk to her that you want to give her anything she needs to make it work out, whether that be some thinking time, a massage, or a flower. Open up the communication and get her to tell you what she truly wants, it might just be a little time that she can use to work out some issues in her mind. Good luck.

  4. Well, spice up the relationship a little, maybe bring home some science experiment that might bring a little laugh or giggle. Maybe set up a giant scavenger hunt that ends at your house where you have cooked her dinner. Maybe give her something completely unexpected. Use your imagination, make her realize again why you two got married. If yall are bored its probably because yall have fallen into set patterns, mix it up a bit, show her why yall got married, let her know you still care and you are willing to do anything to prove it. If you have a fear of heights and she doesn't, take her sky diving, or something, I think you get the idea. Women love adventure, and if you can show her something she hasn't seen before or at least in a while, the old romance will shine its light again.

  5. It depends on the guy I think. If he is an artistic type and you think that this poem would influence him in a positive way and you really want to send it, then send it. But if he's an average guy that cares only about football, baseball, girls, and alcohol, you might want to save your words for ears that will listen. The person above said good things, a poem never changes a mind, or makes thousands of miles disappear. It's a big pond out there, might be best to find a new person who helps inspire you in a positive light, and not the seemingly sad light of this poem. Plus you can find someone who lives close enough to truly touch. Good luck chica.

  6. I don't think guys pay much attention to that sort of thing, most are only thinking about their next move or your next move. Girls are emotional so they probably might get upset about that sort of thing, but I doubt you need to worry about a guy getting that emotional, unless hes an extremely emotional guy, which you would know before he went in your room.

  7. Hey, sorry to hear you are so upset but maybe I can give you a guy's perpective. Many guys think Playboy or other magazines are completely innocent. Ladies might not understand it, but men love to look at women, it is engrained in our heads. Some men have a problem with this more than others, but when men get used to seeing new beautiful naked women every month and someone tries to take something they enjoy away, they might overreact. His frustration probably spiraled out and began to think of a life where you take his passions away, yes he loves you, but fears commitment with someone who might try to control him. I know it might not help much, but we all must pick our battles, maybe the porn mags aren't such a big deal, I mean he always comes home to you. Maybe order some girlie mags to turn the table on him, make it fun, thats how relationships last. Hope some of that helps.

  8. Hey man, you didn't specify your age, but I have a few things to say that might help whatever age you may be. First off, I'm similar to you, in that I like to smoke and avoid thinking about what I have to do now, and numb to it as well. I get depressed because of the boredom that this life creates. But things that differs is that I still have ambition and want to get out there and do things that are exciting and adventurous. Every time I get all crappy feeling, I take a cheap trip and get some experiences that are not the every day BS. The other is that I'm really passive. But enough about me, what I think might help you is to think about a few points.


    1) Not everyone was meant to live a normal life, normality breeds boredom in people like us. We need new insights, new thoughts, a different path than normal people take.


    2) Sometimes its ok to leave, and its always better to leave and start somewhere completely from scratch than to destroy yourself by waiting around.


    3) Remember that everyone else is equal to you, if you had trained you could be a fighter pilot, or a fireman. You could be a chemist or a doctor, if you had trained. This is to point out that we are all equal, and noone is better than you, and this insecurity probably brings about your violent nature.


    4) Most of all, TRAVEL, out of this country, see humanity in a new light, and always go alone, always, because you can see what you and you alone can do, you can meet new people who have no pre-defined stereotype of you (reinvent yourself to how you really want to be) and have amazing times, you can see things that most people do not see, and you can die an old man knowing that you put out your soul to truly experience life and humanity. Capitalism can be mean, especially for the unmotivated, but with a little breath of hope and with action you can pull out of it and become a strong and happy person. I can't wait to go see more. Always keep a journal when you go places by yourself, cause no one at home went with you, and you will want that to read for yourself and remember the fun times. Once you see life in a different way, a smile is inevitable!


    5) Look for the little things in life. Be superstitious, watch the sunset any chance you get. Check out the lizards, or birds or whatever. But remember that you have the world at your feet, thank god we aren't trapped in an AIDS infested village in the middle of nowhere.



    Last of all, you are a man, you are American, you can do anything you want to do. You can make a reasonable amount of money in a little time and you can travel this earth. If you want to permanently leave, you can teach English all over the world and never stay in the same place. You have realized many things, but above all, you've realized that you are not happy with yourself, and that is just a by-product of your normal daily life. If you aren't happy change it up man, lifes too short to stay in a life that makes you unhappy. Only the media makes you believe you need a big TV and 2 kids, you don't need that, you need food and water, the rest is up to you!


    Good luck and I hope you have a great life!

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