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Everything posted by iceman_23

  1. I am really good friends with some of the people I work with. Two of my friends "John" and "Jane" and I used to hang out quite a bit for awhile. Well as far as "John" and I knew "Jane" was just a friend. Well one time "John" and I decided to go on a double date with a couple of other girls from work and we didnt tell Jane. We werent keeping it a secret from her the topic just never came up. Well the next day Jane acts all weird and when I try to talk to her she tells me she's mad at John and I for not telling her about the date. I ask why she's so upset and she says " I just thought we were close enough friends that we told each other about things like that" I explained that I wasnt keeping it from her I just didn't think about telling her. Well anyways to make a long story short that was about a month ago and we havent hung out since. When I see her at work she doesnt hardly talk to me. Ive talked to her at work and even called her a couple of times and she's always to busy to hang out. One time we were going to hang out and she ditched me and never showed up. A couple days later she said she forgot. Anyways I guess what I'm wondering is did I do something wrong? Am i supposed to feel bad for something I did? Could it be that she secretly liked me or John and we didnt know it and she got jealous that we didnt ask her out? I dont know what it is but she wont hardly talk to me and I really want to be her friend still. Any suggestions of what to do?
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