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Everything posted by hardbodyblonde

  1. I cant believe your hand is not in mine. I wake up in a haze. i have lost my heart, my bison, my leggo....i want to hear your voice, kiss you, love you, but i cant accept your cruel torture, leaving me like trash. WHO ARE YOU?
  2. Dear ex, why cant i stop saying your name. I hate sleepin alone everything reminds me of you. The word Bison, Leggo are everywhere. People are not used to seeing me alone. I hate thast you are cold. I feel lied to , you are not a good person. Anyone who leaves never loved you, they stay and work it out!
  3. I want to call him, see him, touch him, smell him... I miss my best friend...Its been 5 days and I am trying hard to remain strong! I am utterly devastated and lost without him
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