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  1. Today has been the worst day so far. Wednesday I held up OK, yesterday I thought I was doing well, today I feel like I'm at square one again. I think it's because you were in my dream so vividly last night. Then I woke up and you were gone again. Maybe forever
  2. "One day I'm going to tell you to your face how much I love you and it will be the best day of my life". That's what you said. I hope the second happiest day of your life is really . No I don't actually, I can't bring myself to be nasty. I hope it's a good day. But not as good. Just kind of mediocre I guess. Enjoy your weekend away with him. I can guarantee you won't give me a second thought during any of that time. I wish I could say the same. I hate you. I really don't want to. I'm trying to find any logical explanation for your actions, but I can't. You've ruined me, and I hate you for it.
  3. You are, quite frankly, an awful person. Why did I ever let you into my life?
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