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Posts posted by coyote99

  1. Recently I have met this guy that I am really into. He has been calling me and we have hung out and watched movies and hung out at the bar a few times also. The thing that is bothering me is that he is sooo inconsistent with his actions. One minute he is calling me and then the next he just kind of backs off. He has made comments about us dating and seeing each other. All of these mixed signs are really confusing me. When we are out there are always a ton of girls approaching him because he is very good looking and popular. It doesn't bother me because they seem to come to him and he is just nice and polite and doesn't do much but talk to them. I don't know where anything stands. I don't fee comfortable asking him because it is so on again off again. Things have not gotten sexual and he doesn't push anything on me so that is cool. What is going on here..HELP!

  2. I met a guy in one of my college classes and really hit it off with him. He has been calling me and we finally got together and watched a movie with one another. He came over to my apartment and we had a really good time. He is 24 and I am 23. There wasn't any making out, just him putting his hand on my leg and leaning into one another. When he left he gave me a hug and I think he wanted to kiss me but I just hugged him. I feel bad now because I saw him in class the next day and after class he just got up and walked right out. We don't normally talk after class because a lot of his buddies are in the room and they usually stick around and chat and I don't want to intrude. Do you think he is mad because I didn't kiss him? I wanted to, but it was our first time hanging out. From a man's perspective what do you think.

  3. I have a good romantic idea for her. Send her the rose but don't let her know it is from you. Later in the day....after she is dying to know who it is from....go into the shop and ask her how she liked the rose she got. Then ask her out. She will melt....I know I would. THe attention she is giving you is a sure sign she likes you. GO FOR IT!!!

  4. If I was dating someone I just prefer for a guy to be straight up with me. If you want to know, ask her. If she says yes, continue to talk to her and be friends so she knows that you weren't just interested in one thing.

  5. Recently I ended up making out with a guy that I have college classes with. We were drunk so the next morning I just thought we would go our separate ways. On the way home he asked for my phone number so I gave it to him. The next morning in class we didn't talk because I felt weird coming up to him when he was talking to a bunch of other guys. He called me the next night and we talked for about an hour. He asked me if I wanted to do something sometime and what my plans were for the weekend. I said it would be fun to get together and that Saturday was the only day I wasn't free. We ended the conversation saying we would talk later in the week. I ended up seeing him at the bar on Wednesday night and he made it a point to come over and chat for awihle before he had to leave. I haven't talked to him since but I am confused. Should he of asked me out and officially set a date up? How do I tell if he likes me? I feel weird talking to him after class because he is always with his buddies. Should I be approaching him? I am trying not to act sooooo into him and push for a date because I feel that is his job. What do you think?

  6. I met this really great guy over a month ago through a mutual friend he was here visiting. We really hit it off and I gave him my phone number at the end of the night. Well....he lives 4 states away from me so I never thought he would call. He did call and we talked for about a month and then I went to visit him. We had a really great time. He introduced me to all of his friends and his actions towards me were that of a boyfriends role.....holding hands.....kissing....things like that. We had a conversation about relationships and he told me that he wasn't really looking to settle down for a few years. So now I don't know what to think. I told him I wanted to see him again and he agreed. I am just confused because his actions were different then some of his words. We both agreed that an ideal realtionship is when you have your own life, space and friends and aren't together all the time. We both want the same things it seems. He gave me a kiss goodbye at the airport and told me to call him as soon as I got home so he knew I was safe. I called him and we then agreed that we would talk again. How do I approach this? I don't want to be pushy but at the same time I want to know what is going on. Am I going to scare him off? HELP!!!

  7. I need some help here. I started dating a guy about 3 months ago. He really swept me off my feet and made me feel really good. He bought me things and really seemed into me. However, whenever I went out with friends he would freak out because he was scared I was going to run into my ex boyfriend. I reassured him that I wasn't going back to that guy but he still was worried. He told me he feels physical pain when I am not around and that he doesn't want to share me with anyone. He is soooooo good to me though and I am good to him too. I am just getting smothered by all this jealousy and mistrust. He has a bad past of girls who have cheated and the death of his mom. I think he is very co-dependent. I am very independent and love time to myself but also time with him. He resents me for this because he is only truly happy when we are together. I feel responsible for making him happy. Whenever I get dressed up to go out with friends he always makes a comment on my shirt or what I am wearing...even though it isn't bad. I don't want to hurt this guy but every time I try to talk to him about it he says that it is just because he loves me so much. What is going on?

  8. My boyfriend of 2 years broke up with me a few months ago. When we first dated we were always being so good to eachother. Doing romantic things, leaving notes for one another and always calling. Throughout the relationship he has always gone out of his way to do things for me on a daily basis. He would always buy me things I liked and spoil me like crazy. However, I started getting more comfortable with him and did less little things. I would buy him things on occasion and always call during the day to tell him that I loved him. He seemed to be knocking himself out trying to keep me even though I reassured him I would never leave. He would get so mad at me and say can't you ever plan anything or I don't think you appreciate me for who I am. I always said thankyou and was very loving towards him. I am scared he was so insecure because of past relationships that he was trying to be perfect. I started to feel comfortable and move out of the "in the clouds" stage and get back to real life. He can even be a little high maintenance with his friends also. If he does something for them they owe him. Was I a slacker?

  9. My 2 year relationship with my boyfriend ended a few months ago and I am really lost. Things started off great until we had our first fight. I wanted to out with my friends and he got jealous and said"I have seen this kind of behavior before." What the heck is that!! He was also really jelous of my previous 3 year relationship. I told him that I was with him now and not my ex. I tried reassuring him a lot but he still said he didn't want to share me with anyone and that he felt physical pain when I wasn't around. I ended up breaking it off with him because I just couldn't handle it. Was this just a nice guy trying to love someone so much and I just couldn't take it? Well, we got back together after a month or so. He snooped through all my things and found old pics of me and my ex that I still had. They were stuffed away so he had to go looking for them. I had them because I felt that I had a right to. I felt like my ex was a part of my life and who i had become and that i was moving on from it. There were times though when my new bf would get so jelous that I missed my ex terribly because he was never jealous. I knew these feeling were wrong but I still felt them. Anyway, he gave me tons of gifts and when I wouldn't give him the exact appreciation he wanted he would get mad and say he shouldn't have tried so hard and that I didn't appreciate him. I consider myself secure and never overly jealous and if i am jealous it is in a fun playful way. I really love this guy. He suffered from the loss of his mother and a cheating girlfriend at the same time before me. He says he as dealt with all of that in the last 5 years but I feel it is still affecting him. He made comments about my clothes and the people I hung out with. It got to the point were going out with my friends was an escape and I didn't want to ask him with because I was scared they would say something to upset him. What should I do? He broke up with me because he thinks I didn't treat him very good.

  10. My partner of 2 years and I just broke up. He was always jelous, making comments about the clothes I wore and critical of everything I did. He made me feel bad about having a close relationship with my family and sometimes would pick on my friend's behavior. Some of my friends had cheated on their boyfriends and he would tell me he was afraid I was going to see this as acceptable behavior. I tried telling him that even though I didn't approve of their behavior at times I was independent enough to not do whatever my friends were doing. They are my friends because of their relationship with me not their boyfriends. I had been in a 3 year relationship prior to meeting him and he was always jelous of that. He would say you had 3 years with him and only a few with me. He snooped through my things and found old pictures of old boyfriends. Don't i have a right to have a history and have things that make me who I am today even though they still don't mean anything to me. If I wanted to go out with friends he would pick a fight with me and say that I had silly excuses for going out with friends. The rules were very different for him though. He did whatever he wanted and even ended up cheating on me. His excuse was that she wanted him like I didn't. So i felt bad and took him back. I am a very secure independent woman and I think that is healthy. Should I feel like I need to baby someone and constantly tell them how wonderful they are? I would get gifts from him and if I didn't react the way he wanted he would rant and rave. He would tell me how wonderful people thought he was and how he doesn't think I see it. What is going on here? All of this jelousy made me want out of the relationship and want to be with someone else. However, he ended the relationship saying I didn't treat him good. What does this man want? I love him and want him back but I feel like just when things get good I get told how bad I am at something. What should I do?

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