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gothik faerie

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Posts posted by gothik faerie

  1. my boyfriend of 5 months has serious issues trusting me that i won't leave him or cheat on him. it's happened to him in the past, and he's so afraid of it happening to him again.


    for both of us, this is the longest relationship we've ever been in, and the closest to anyone we've ever been. i know that he loves me, and he knows that i love him more than anything in the world, it just makes me so sad that he won't believe that i won't leave him for anything in the world or that i would NEVER cheat on him.


    i love him more than anything in the world, and i would rather die than know that i've hurt him in any way.


    any ideas?

  2. when i didn't cut for those 3 months i was even more depresed than i was when i was cutting, maily because i had no way of getting rid of the plain, which cutting does for me.


    i really want to stop cutting though, because i've been cutting worse than i did before, and the other day i even took apart a pencil sharpener and cut in my english class...thats something i'm definitely NOT proud of

  3. i have been a cutter for over 2 years, and it's progressively gotten worse over time. back in may i decided i wanted to try to stop cutting, because i was tired of seeing what i was putting the people who cared about me through. my friends were all very supportive, and tried to help me as best they could. i didn't cut for 3 months, but then i did it again. since i started again it's been worse than before. i'm afraid i'm gonna do some serious damage one day, and it's also disappointing my best friend, who is now my boyfriend. i just don't want to disappoint him, and i can't promise him that i'll stop for him, because i know i'll break that promise.


    i need serious help...please!

  4. i say go for it chick, find out for yourself. so the worst that could happen is he finds out you like him, no harm in that i think. whatever you decide to do, i'm sure it'll work out though.


    i was in a similar predicament myself actually. except the guy happened to be my best friend. one night we were talking about his ex's, and he asked me if i still liked him. i told him what i felt, and we've been dating ever since.


    i still say to go for it and ask him. or be sneaky and have your friends talk to him, whatever suits you. those are just my suggestions though.

  5. i guess i could just go for it and ask him out, but i'm not one to initiate, even though it might work out. the scariest thing in the world to me is losing him as a friend, even though enough has been said that anything that would have caused us to not be friends anymore we've gotten through and not let it effect us.


    it's just confusing to me, and i really need help figuring this out.


    all my friends say we should be going out, and the way we were all over each other at the dance yesterday gave everyone reason to think we were, but we're not. we both maintain that we're single, even though i think there's definitely something between us. it's just that neither one of us knows what it is.

  6. i'm a girl, i'm 16 and i'm in love with my best friend. although we've only known each other for a little over 6 months, i feel that i'm closer to him than anyone else i know, and he feels the same about me. ever since i first became friends with him back in march i knew i was attracted to him. i've seen him date many girls, including many of my friends. i found it strange that i would spend more time with him than they did. everyone at our highschool already thinks we're going out because we're always together. whenever he goes out places, even with other friends, i'm always with him.


    i didn't think he knew that i had been attracted to him all this time, but we were talking on Monday night, and he asked if i still had a crush on him. i was really surprised that he even knew that i did, either that or he was bluffing just to see what i would say. so me, being stupid, told him that i was definitely attracted to him, and that i had been since i met him. i also told him that he was my best friend, and that nothing that happened between us could change that. which it won't. i'll always think of him as my best friend no matter what.


    i guess i should tell you that before that, i guess last thursday, i found out that he had been cheating on his girlfriend (who is another one of my really good friends)


    after monday night, i was really confused about everything that was said, so i was incredibly depressed. he was there as usual to comfort me, which was strange because he was the one who brought it on this time. i still found him comforting though.


    wednesday we had another talk about what our relationship was with each other. it was clear that we are more than friends, but not boyfriend/girlfriend.


    so last night was a school dance, and i went with him as his "date". for a while i was just dancing with two girl friends of mine (heh..and alot more than just dancing..) and finally i got him to dance with me. even during the dance our friends came up to us and asked us if we were sure we weren't going out, and they were very surprised to hear us say we weren't. on the way home from the dance we were talking in the car about what happened that night (between me and the two girls i was dancing with) and he put me on "kissing probation" because i was kissing those two girls at the dance, and i'm guessing he didn't want to see me making any more enemies because of who i was seen kissing. so i asked him who i was allowed to kiss, and he said only him.


    OK, so we were all over each other at the dance, when anyone tried to dance with me, he'd step in and say "no! she's mine!". we did some serious hardcore flirting all night.


    but still, we're both confused about whether or not we're going out, and i've never kissed him either. please help me!

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