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Everything posted by shaw

  1. thanks i'm really mestup and i guess more worried about my problems than hers i'm gonna have to try harder. it's just not knowing whats wrong she has no idea herself. thanks for all your help everyone but it looks like soon ill have to move out and will have no access to this site. really thanks it's nice to know there are people out there that care enough to try and help.
  2. thank that helps some. i don't help alot with things around the house but i work so much to make enough money so they all have the things they want. i guess that would help but i really thing that one day she woke up and desided that she just didn't love me anymore or she's not shure. she want's to go party with all of her devorced friends no to decide if thats what she whants i guess i just dont think this is a good way to make up her mind. don't get me wrong i have always let her go out when ever she want's to i take care of the kids just want her to have fun. i just keep thinking what did i do wrong?
  3. i have tried to get her to go to marrage consuling she said she thought about that. as far as taking the family away last feb i saved up and surprised them all with a trip to disneyland? im lost
  4. i have been married for 16 years and love my wife very much i also have 2 kids one 12 & one 5 she is great with the kids. i found out a week ago she wan'ts to separate she won't say why. i suspect she is confused and is not shure if she loves me anymore. i know there is no other guy involved. she has always had depression problems and takes medication for them. i just love her and the kids so much and need them. what do i do?
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