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Posts posted by bilal72401

  1. its not that i am asking them to have sex with me right away or something, i think i may be asking them out too early, and that is my problem, i hope i can learn to deal with that problem, i have tried to hangout with friends and stuff so i can just calm down, but none of my friends ever have time, and i am tired of all my video games, i really dont know what to do, i think i am may just be lonely, i cant concentrate on my homework, i cant do any thing, i think i just need some one who i can go out to eat with, some one to cuddle with, some to just sit around and talk with on free time, some one i can SHARE MY FEELINGS WITH i dont know i feel like a looser since i have this really bad "Natural guy" problem (no offence, i may be the only one with this problem) i dont know what to do.

  2. i have this really annoying problem that is making me soo mad for the past couple of years, i seem to be really desparate for girls, (i am not a virgin) so thats not the problem, any way every time, i try to talk to some girl, she ends up not talking to me any more, i have no idea why, i think its because i seem way too desparate, and they run off, and there i am left there sitting again as usuall,


    i just had my heart broken on may 3rd 2005 yeah she left me for her ex ever since i have been soo desparate and every time i talk to some girl i end up pushing her soo much and i mess the whole thing up, when ever i talk to some girl i just wish that we would fall in love right that instant

    i know that sounds REALLY REALLY bad, but that is my problem and why do i have that problem???


    i just wanna know if some one can help me improve and so i will not be so desparate or pushy next time, Please help me on this, i really need some help pweeeeeeez?? ](*,) cuz i really wanna be in a nice relationship


    Thanks a million

  3. well for me i make sure that i use ALOT of shaving foam and i mean good shaving foam or shaving gel works really well, what i do to avoid bumps or cuts i put shaving foam or gel again if i need to after running the razor over the hair just to make sure there is enough shaving foam or gel there so i dont get cut, thats one way and one more thing the razor should not be a cheap razor make sure you have a good set of razors i use a brand name "shick" it works really well for me or gillete razors are really good too, by time u will get use to it, and u will know how to run the razor without cutting ur self i hope that helps. it just takes practice.

  4. she sent me this email:


    hey i'm at the office bored out of my mind and thought i would just say hi. i would of called you but my phone has been acting weird again. anyway, yeah, i can't think of anything else to say so i guess i'll just go ahead and end this e-mail. yup. what an intreseting e-mail. most intreseting one you've had yet. well, later.


    what in the world is she trying to tell me?? the bold part is one i am wondereing about

  5. No he is not arrested she did not decide to get him arrested I guess, but she has put a restraining order on him, which is he can't be around her.


    i think she had a very bad childhood growing, her uncle or someone would beat her or something, she wouldn't tell me much so I am not sure how bad it was, but other than that, I am not sure about any of her previous exs.


    i dont know i think its going to take alot for me to get away from her, i really dont wanna talk to her any more, after reading every ones replies, and i am afraid i might start talking to her agian, i just dont wanna talk to her at all, i dont know i lost

  6. my ex girlfriend left me in may, and it was not my fault, she got back with her ex for no reason and left me for no reason, why i am saying "no reason" is because she never told me why she left and i was sitting there wondereing what happened, so about 4 months ago in (september i think) her boyfriend calls me and like he goes, that i need to stay away from her, he called me at 1 in the moring, i was at the bar with my friends i was having a really good time, but that bastard ruined my night, it turns out that i got REALLY mad and i told him if he needs to see me he needs to come here and confront me. and he hung up, i called my ex Debra and i said to her why is he calling me? so i got really mad at Debra, i was drunk and that made me even more mad so i yelled at her for about 30 minutes i went outside of the bar i would not disturb the people in the bar, i dont think i heard one word from her, cuz i yelled at her soo much.


    so later about a week after she sent me an email saying she is really sorry that her boyfrind was bothering me, turns out, she told me that when she left me in may for her "boyfriend" her "boyfriend" raped her to death, KIDNAPED her from her house, and he made it look like they were going to move in togeather, so no one knew she was KIDNAPPED by him, and he took her to this cabin in the middle of no where, and he would not let her go to work and he stole her money and broke her cell phone, and so she somehow escaped and came back home and now she is calling me, and the bad thing is


    that i dont wanna talk to her, but at the same time i really really wanna talk to her, we have been talking for 3 or 4 hours every day until mine or her cell phone battery dies!!!!!!, and she is always now telling me that she is trying to become really religious, and trying to stay away from guys, and she also gave me an impression that she would probably not go out with me, but we have been talking on the phone sooo long every day non stop 3 or 4 hours every day and i dont think i can talk to my friends that long, and she admits the same thing, i am lost, i dont know if we are still attracted to each other or what, i really wanna go back out with her, and i have picked back up my feelings that i had for her, and i dont know how to tell her that, i really dont wanna scare her. every day when we talk we flirt soo much, i cant believe it.


    when she left me i got over the fact that she left me, but now seeing her again makes me wanna go out with her, this girl has alot of characters that i would look for in my life partner, that is may be why i am soo attatched to her and i really dont wanna mess this up and i am still not sure of i should trust her like did before, but at the same time i wanna be with her i dont know i am soo lost, please help..

  7. i hope this is the correct place for this post, this is kinda gross, so i am warning u now,


    here is the problem, ever since i was little i had these white looking small bumps on my penis, they look like little pimples, they are all over my penis, they dont hurt or any thing, but every once in a while one or two of them would turn hard and black, i am not sure what this stuff is, does any know what this is? or is any one experiencing this too? please let me know


  8. this is just my thinking, every body thinks differently, but i think that the people that behave like that, they either had a bad growing up experience, or some one had done them wrong, and they have a very tough time to deal with thier pain, so they ended up being a lier or a untrustworthy person. an example of this is me, when debra left me, i was in extreme pain, and to deal with the pain i started smoking cigarates, i had never smoked cigs in my life, and now i am addicted to cigs, because i was trying to deal with the pain and the out come came out to be bad for me, it made me addicted to cigs, and now i am basically addicted to cigs.


    just like with her she might of had something in her past that made her this way, may be child abuse, or any kind of bad relationship experince, or may be even bad friends, some times friends can do that to you too. or sometimes when we have a tough time in life we as humans tend to do bad things to other poeple to make our self feel better. that could be another reason.


    again this is just what i think about it.

  9. you had 76 views and my third responce, i hope other people will respond too,


    as you said that she should not deserve to go out with any one, because she will keep hurting people, i totally agree on that. you are actually nice enough to talk to that guy and u tried to explain to him that she is not worth it, that is a good quality, because if it was me i was not gonna be able to talk to him, because of the pain i would be going through. or because of how much upset i would be.


    keep your head up! there are alot of good ladies out there i know this is what we all say but, trust me it will happen one day, you will come accross a reall good women one day.


    i hope this helps

  10. i am totally aware of the "attack" on me from the ladies, by calling it sexual harassemnt or beating me up, or spraying pepper in my eyes, thereforeeee i dont do that...LOL, but my point is like i just go crazy, they are so pretty, i feel offended by their prettyness, LOL, its just like a big juicy steak sittin there but u cant have it...LOL, may be i am just a way crazy or a freakin horny person, its not that i wanna start having sex with them, its just that i cant contain my self to kiss them or talk to them, LOL i dont know i am crazy

  11. i agree with you when u said that she does not deserve any one, she will keep hurting people, there is a myth, people think that us guys are the ones that cheat, and lie, and do all the bad things in relationships, and it really REALLY makes me soooo mad when we end up with some girl that behaves this way, as lucy, and my ex debra, it really makes me mad when we wanna be truthfull, and make good relations and turns out the girl is acting like that, it really ticks me off.

  12. OH MY GOD, i was in a 100% similiar situation, u will not believe my story was sooo similiar to that, i went through a very hard time, beleiving it, she turned out to be such a lier, and such a dishonest person, i cannot explain how much she lied to me, turns out she left me and got back with this guy she was dating for 3 years, and same thing happened i started receving phone calls from him, and he was being a bastard so i told him i was like if u wanna talk to me "you need to come and see me in person" i was not scared at all, and it was just crazy, i dont know what to say, and she did the same thing to me, she would always tell me that we will never break up, and she would say her ex was such a "mean person" i wont go into details and she always told me that we will never break up and she assured me that she will never leave me for him and she even said she will not leave me for any one, but she actually did end up leaving me for "him" which made me REALLY really upset, but i am over it, me and her we dated for about 7 months we were in a relationship. and i have tottally forgot about her, she is not again trying to get back with me and i told her noooooo...lol.

  13. this is really crazy, but does any one ever feel like they just wanna grab and kiss this really hot stranger girl walkin down the walk way on campus? my campus is filled with hotties all over the place, i feel like i am overdosed with the beauty of humans that walk around me (girls) i am not bi...lol, does any one feel like that? or am i just a really horny and stupid guy? i would to get comments from guys and girls. thanks

  14. i feel like i have fell in the well of sadness, happy things dont even matter to me any more, its like i am always trying to find something bad, i am always looking for trouble, this is not suppose to be me, but it is, i am so lost i dont know what is going on, i am not even motivated to do my homework any more, its like i am a college junior, and i am so lost i dont even know where i am :silly:

  15. I wrote this poem, while I was trying to relax, trying to get away from all the stress, and crazy things in life, I am not very good at naming poems, and I am not very good at writing poems either, I just wanted to share it with all of you,


    So please leave comments


    This place of mine, where the sun rises and lights up my day.

    Nothing can be compared, nothing can even come close.


    I can smell the steam on top of the mountain.

    Beautiful clear rivers flow, right down the rocky trails


    Beautiful gardens glow all over the mountain.

    Smells of the roses are all over the place.


    The gardens light up with the different colors of rainbows.

    As if they are from the heavens of above.


    Over the mountain is a never ending place, calm waters that go on for ever.

    Birds flying all over or sitting in the palm trees, making their noises calling each other names.


    While they make me relax with their beautiful singing, I slip away and keep listening to the songs.

    But the sun goes down and they go to sleep.


    So I watch the beautiful shining stars until the sun comes up.


    The moon makes a face every now and then, just to make me smile, because it knows I am in pain.

    I love my heaven, I will never let it go, I watch it every day to make me feel better.


    I wish you had it too, so you can see what it really is.

    It is paradise of love, that keeps your day going.

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