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Posts posted by SA2000

  1. Day 2


    I woke up disgusted with her. I thought she was stronger, smarter, classier, and had an ounce of integrity. I was wrong. She has become everything she swore she wasn't. It's so unattractive that I can't believe I spent 5 years with her and a year trying to get things back. You can't change someone back. Once a good girl's gone bad, she's gone forever.

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  2. Day 0


    I just talked to her. She was to call me and let me know if we were going to work it out or never speak again. She called and said she decided that she couldn't do it and that she was ready to move on. We agreed to not contact one another. This will be hard. We've gone a month or two but never lasted. But I need to heal. I need to let her go. For good. Goodbye ex. I'll always remember you. But you have made the decision. It's over.

  3. Day 1


    I told her yesterday that I couldn't do this anymore. Seeing eachother is too hard. I asked her to either stop contacting me or work with me to make things right between us. I guess she has made her decision. Closure. It's really over. Now I can do full on NC.


    I asked that she call me and let me know her decision. I didn't even get a call. I guess no reason for me to post here though. It's NC for good now. This is what you chose. The last decision you make in my life.

  4. I know the feeling,I tryed everythin to have one last face to face talk with my ex to discuss the break up tell her everythin I felt face to face instead of over texts it was 3 years not 3 minutes,each time we were supposed to meet shed make excuses


    I hope everythin turns out well for you


    The worst part about it is that I wasn't the one who wanted to meet up. It was her idea.

  5. Yeah I'd struggle with ignoring her contact aswell


    The worst part is that she said she would contact me Sunday so we could set up a time to meet and talk. I am still unsure what she wants to talk about. I was doing pretty well over the last week. After her not calling Sunday I feel like I am starting over. This sucks.

  6. Broke NC last night while I was drunk. She said she wants to meet and talk Sunday. She needs to give me clothes and a check. She also wants to have a "closure" talk. Why? What is the point in talking about how we aren't going to talk to each other anymore? She probably wants to rip my heart out and stomp on it in person. I'll go because I'm intrigued. But I'm going to act completely indifferent.

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