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  1. don't break NC! it not worth it.. it almost a month since he slept with that girl. and 3 weeks since i left the house. it's not easy because he made like i want the break up.like i want it to be this way. hell. u are not human. u are devil with human skin. why do i love you before? i maintain NC for almost a week. well, i think i can maintain it forever because i don't have your new number. maybe because u don't have hp. (it broke in one of our many argument). i have no reason to be with u again because of what u did. yes, we do have a lot of argument (the reason we had it because i find out u sleep with her!) before cruelly u bring her into our house, (our house!) while i stay at my friend to clear out my mind. before i left, u come with your brother n introduced her as your brother's girlfriend. then, the next day (i said for 2 days, but i decide to forgive u BECAUSE U SAID SHE WAS YOUR MISTAKE and coming back the next day), 02 July 2010..I'm coming back and find them...it hurt to re-picture that day. really hurt...i cried. tried everything to get u back, and she just sat at corner of our house, smiling...i even tried to kill myself. suicide. but out of nowhere.. someone save me. he take me to his house. introduce to his kids and wife..thanks god, I'm still alive... stay at them for almost a week. before i decide it's over. he didn't even try to find me. i do feel OK without him. but then after a week,suddenly he call.via public phone. he torturing with my heart, i know it. but i don't want to accept it..he still calling me 'my love'. still miss me.. still said what i want to hear. since then. i keep waiting for his call. waiting. and waiting. until yesterday. i call his friend. to find out what happen...stupid me.. they now officially dating. to add the pain,everybody know they live together at that house..i already saw her in the house, what do i expect? I'm in pain again. feel like 02 July happen again. i have to start again. i hate to feel hurt like this. i have to start NC again. this time i change my number. NC: DAY 1
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