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cooper trooper

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  1. Hey there!! I suppose this would sound a bit risky to most people but here goes... I am deeply in love with my mates sister!!!!!! This isn't just a casual thing either i really do want to be with her forever and hold her in my arms!!! I think she could feel the same way about me!! Great!! Only shes my best mates sister!!!! And i don't know how he would react to me and her seeing each other!! We are really good buddys and i don't want to spoil our friendship or make him feel uncomfortabul, i feel like i'm doing something wrong!! But love is always supposed to be right, right??? i just can't help falling in love with his sis!!!!! How can i resolve this problem with all partys coming out on top!!?? Please help me out, thanks.
  2. i'd say i've known her for about 4 months. We seem to be getting on really well!! I think shes comfortabul around me and she maintains eye contact with me when i talk but we dont have hugh blown out conversaitions though just a friendly 15 min's chat kind of thing. She never fidgets, sighs or roles her eyes or that kind of thing when i'm talking with her the same as when i leave she's not begging me to stay and chat to her (actually thats a tad extreeme but i'm shure you get my meaning). Any advice 4evernight??
  3. Hi. There's this girl that i know who i really, really love. Only problem is i can't tell if the feeling is mutual!! Every time i'm around her she always laughs at my jokes and we always seem to get along quite well, great i think! But there is a kind of reclusive way about her that i just don't understand, i don't think shes avoiding me because like i say we get along great!!! But is she just being polite?? Or does she want to move up a gear??. Trust me i'd move mountans for this girl So any advice on body language etc would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!
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