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  1. lol, I don't go for looks...but that one girl didn't have the attitude. And by the way, I'm a mormon(LDS) so my standards are pretty high. This girl was really the complete opposite of what I was going for.
  2. Okay. First off, I'm amazed that I have never seen this type of forum before! I'm a Junior in highschool...most of these posts don't seem like they are focused around the higschool level. Anyway, I'm really shy, and when I say really shy, I mean really shy. I'm one of those guys that just sit...I talk when I'm talked to but not more than that. I think over the summer I must have transformed or something, because all of a sudden I'm a huge ladies man! Its only been one week of school and I've been asked out twice...and over the summer I had these two attractive ladies hanging all over me. I never really considered myself a good looking guy until I got these invitations to parties and everything... So, I need help. Eventhough I'm a ladies man, I don't think I respond to being asked out in quite the right way. Let me explain... On the third day of school, I was asked out...but not by an ordinary lady. Oh no. This female was short, fat, beefy, mean, evil...pretty much the opposite of what I want. I hate her attitude...shes pretty much a trouble maker. I don't mean to be mean or anything, I'm just not that kind of guy, but these are all facts. So I had to kind of lie to her...at the time I wasn't going out with anyone, but I told her I was going out with one of my close friends (I did tell my friend this before hand). So I got out of that, but then I was asked out the next day by a more attractive female...oi...okay, this isn't quite where I want to be...okay, let me start again. Hi, I'm Jon. I'm too shy. And I need to get out of it...any advise for a highschool student? I hope this is better
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