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Posts posted by alpha

  1. First about her not being divorsed yet. It is surprising. But if you put it together wth the fact that her husband hasn't filed divorse papers neither it becomes very hard to explain without being suspitious.

    Second! We tend to be suspicious of "bad friends", however, people never take advices which are against their nature. Friends may only support hidden desire.

    Third. By calling her you supporting her. She knows that she may have you back any time, while she's doing what she wants. Stop it.

    I think people act out because of guilt. Most likely she knows that she doesn't love you and she is trying to present a better explanation for you. Or may be she has been really lonely and unsure of her own feelings. That's when she needed you the most and haven't received it.

    Remember, it's not what you do for her but how it is perceived by her. Even if you when out of your way to be the best but she didn't think so, it will not be appreciated.

    I've been in a similar relationship. I thought I was sacrifising almost all for her, but she didn't see it. And vise versa, she said she was doing her best, but it was so far from what I needed. We are apart for 4 mos now. And I still have dreams about her and talk to her in my mind trying to explain myself. But it is dull now.

    My advise to you, wish her luck in your mind and never call her again if you are not sure that she is the right one. But if she is, then there are ways to get her back, however, still don't call her. There is a lot more about her, but I'd need to know more information before judging her.

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