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Posts posted by Azn_Ravist

  1. O yea 1 more thing, if u dont score this grl there are many more out there around 10 billions of them, so dont worry if u cant get a date with jst one grl, be presistant and move on like the rejection is nothing to u, if one grl dont want u, than its her lose, another grl would be glad to have u in her arms and maybe even in bed. So dont be like "wat did I do wrong?!?!" and bang ur head against the wall when u get rejected, jst go like watever and walk away. Cuz that way u wont be banging ur head but sumthing else. >=D

  2. ok first I'm not going to jst TELL u to have confidence, im going to tell u wat to DO. lol, yea i sound gay. anyways, I was like that until I was in high skool. dont worry there are alot of ppl like u out there, here is what you have to understand, if you go talk to a girl u like there are 50% of chance u will get rejected and 50% you will get her number. But if u DONT talk to her then there is 0% you will get to know her, so you have to get over your shyness and start talking to grls. How? the nxt time you see a hot sumwhere, go say hi to her and WALK AWAY. She will know you are doing that to be polite, but you are doing that to build experience with a grl, as u get bored saying hi to them, try to make friend with them now, i noe its kind of a huge step, but u can either stay at home or you can go party with them after u make friends with them. Anyways the point is to build experience, and by doing that creats a snowball effect, the more grl u talk to the better ur chance will be getting their #. GL man hope this helps.

  3. ummm first get into a romantic conversation with her, than when the time is right ask her "would u like to kiss me?" dont say "can i kiss u", cuz u r giving more weights to her. If u get an answer other then a big NO, than jst kiss her, dont be afraid, she wont complain, if she does jst be honest and say its ur first time =)

  4. lol, i had the same problem b4, but im not good looking, but wat i have is my confident, my sensitivity, and my charm, dats why girls love me, now if u add the good looks to dat equation, it would be more then enough to make women everywhere going crazy 4 u. heres wat u do go to a mall talk to every hot girl u see there and say "hi my name is -----" say it with confident, and strech ur hand out and she'll tell u hers and shake urs bak (cuz u r good looking) hold her hand firmly and start talking to her until she lets go, o yea heres what u say when u r holding her hand: "am I the kind of guys u would like to get to noe better?" and most likely she'll say yes(she think u r good looking and confident) and a lot of other thing, and after u hear what she said, say thank you and WALK AWAY, keep on doing this until u feel more confident with girls. O yea the 1st or 2nd time u do this u might feel very unconfertable, but its alrit, u'll never see her again so there is no problem on that, o yea try to have good eye contact with her, it builds rapport. Give this a try it works 4 me, I use to be a wimp who dont have any gut talking to girls cuz i was so freaken shy, but after 2 days of this training, I learned how to be comfertable talking to hot girls, and learned many things I could improve to be more confident

  5. ouch, sry dat have to happen btwn u and ur gurl, i noe its really hard to have sum1 u really love and care or rejects u jst like if u were nothing, I dont really noe wat u should do rit now, but heres a piece of mind, she has moved on, and u probaly should too, u cant really force her to love u, but wat u do is up to u.

  6. yea the 2 ppl above is rit this exercise does help, and here is one more thing, if she hurt u dat bad, than jst stop thinking about her, jst pretend dat she doesnt exist. And stop getting so emotional over this bi%ch who hurt u so so much, some girls actually LOVES seeing a guy she dumped getting sad and everything, so whenever u go near her jst pretend u r not getting hurt then she might be like "huh, it doesnt bother him anymore, he is so no fun anymore" and then she'll jst stop whisper in to her mans ear when u r around and everything. But mostly do the exercise the 2 ppl above recommended. It works

  7. hey rkbunni, when he asked u if u were ok, hes jst trying to be a gentlemen, if i accidently hurt a girl I would say the same thing. But if he looks at u a lot that means that hes kinda intrested in u or think u r jst really hot. After the class is over go over there and talk to him and compliment on his high kick or something and ask him if he wants to go somewhere after the class like the movies or watever. If he says "nah, im busy" dont give up ur hopes yet cuz he really might jst have to go sumwhere, ask him if he to do this another time(u r letting him to pick the time) if he still refuse them im sry he probaly isnt intrested in u enough to go out with u.

  8. hey gurls and gals! I need ur help badly =( heres my problem: i am really good talking to gurls once I have a topic to talk about, but I have no idea how to start a conversation with strangers =( so i was wondering all u beautiful ladies and all u pick up artiest guy to help me on this, wat do i talk about once i go up to a hot chic that i never met b4, any have suggestion? thx for help =)

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