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Posts posted by KeppleClarence

  1. Woah you have so many themes in there.


    He likes you but you did indicate your feelings towards him? Do you like him whats the deal there we need closure.


    Well you friends seems like an emotional F wit (sorry for the french and paying out on your friend but it seems he is tottaly unstable). If the guy isn't smart enough to figure out that his women is a headcase and is stiffing him over he has got even more serious problems in life ahead.


    Im really not sure what im saying here, actually im not sure whats being asked, now im just rabeling.

  2. Well I guess this could be considered career but im not real sure else where to put it.


    Well after this year of uni I have to change uni's due to the fact that my uni doesn't have my major. But the problem is that none of the uni's I need to go to our close my point is that should I move out of home to do the whole indipendance (yes im 18 and still live at home) or should I just stay at home and wait to undertake those experiences later on in life.


    See the thing is right now I have no job so + it is mega hard for me to get a job because I go to uni so there is a problem, being able to pay for rent and food and stuff as such.


    But I feel like I don't want to be tottaly depandant on my mum and step dad.


    Well any thoughts will help so I can put my mind to ease.

  3. What the men are primal? We enjoy a hunt?


    Damn who the hell have you married a gorilla? Guys like me can enjoy anything I mean seeing a bit of a girls underwear can get a guy going its that easy.


    Think silk damn that stuff is hot, thik outside the square also, new and exciting is good, also classic stuff works as well.


    If you haven't picked it up anything will work!!!


    but if you want orgasmic and your tottaly commited to making him happy go get a karma sutra book damn that stuff is freeky.


    Go have fun

  4. Love what the hell are you doing?


    I mean kids there crazy. wait you silly girl, damn...... I just had a thought my best friend in having a child who is 19 and girlfriend 18 and im tottaly supportive so I guess saying that is kind of hypocritical.


    But still its not right, I mean your ex could be a rocket scientest with the greatest brains, a big wallet and an awesome face but it still does not justify having a child. You say you want to be a single mum? Trust me its not cool, I have come from a single mum family and its hard, not just on kid but the mum also. My mother was always making sacrafises for us are you willing to pretty much give up everything for your child? to have it with someone who you cannot share it with?


    Also its better if you find someone you want to be with because that kind of thing is best shared with someone, just wait im sure your bound to find someone from your picture your stunning, hit the clubs, places where people hang out there is bound to be a guy who you can like who is ready to have a child, and if he is not ready im sure your willing to find you will wait for him.


    Damn this is long I hope you take this subject seriously, man I feel wise for someone who is 18

  5. Mate she is playing you like a fiddle, girls like that don't want boyfriends they want pals. To her your just a chum unless you can change it.


    If you come on any strong she wil think your pathedic, everyone knows the old saying play it cool and thats what you should be doing in your case. Drop a hint or too but nothing really strong to she her any feelings. After after a while you will figure out if your ready to confront her about it or just leave it alone.


    Id have to say giving advice is so much more easier than taking action, and another thing why the hell are girls so complicated, it kills me too no end.


    Well bud best of luck, i know we all need it.

  6. Well here is one for you guys to decipher.


    Well ive been friends with this girl for some time now about 3 years, since high school. When we first meet I was this little punk kid now ive finally grown up and now that we are out of school we like to hang out a bit. But since we have been friends I think ive grown to like her on a different level than before. We hang out a bit, I mean I act as if we are just friends and tottaly hide my feelings for her because I like to just be around her. But the thing is im not sure if she likes me. Because it is not just me that she hangs out with there is another guy she is also friends with.


    Im not sure what will happen if I tell her how I feel. perhaps someone could give some advice.

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