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Posts posted by Aali

  1. I hear ya girl.


    Its easy to cry about what you dont have then to accept and understand what you have. You have needs but your mom cant fill them. Wearing cool clothes and learning about make up is not all that there is too life. There is a lot more and you will learn about it as you grow.


    I do recommend that you talk to her. and if she does not understand then dont bother. Do your own thing. Be your own mom. Learn by yourself. If u think that wearing cooler clothes is going to help you make friends and if you want to be friends with people who are shallow enough to jugde by looks then you need to re think the situation.


    It hurts honey but you have to deal with it. Some years down the road you can rethink about it but now you have to concentrate on you. If you think that u need to look different, then work on that look. If you feel that you want to do different things then do that.[/img]

  2. He might have loved her a lot but like Roxette would say "It must have been love, But it's over now". The human heart learn to love again. If he tells you that he loves you then he must. Everyone has a past and its easy to be worried about it but think about it very carefully, can they be together? No I suppose! then you are the only person in his life. He might love her for the rest of his life but if you dont mess up his love for her would be nothing compared to how much he would love you for the rest of your life. Woman he is talking about getting married to you. He wants you. Dont worry about what he felt about someone in his past. It does not matter. Love him and enjoy his love...forget about anyone else in this world

  3. You dont have to wait till he goes. She owes you this explaination and that you should get. It seems like she likes this dude and at this point does not care about your feeling. I know that hurts but you have to think about yourself. She is thinking about her self too you know.


    And even if she wants to get back with you? Would you be willing to forgive that she played you so well?


    Think about it!!


    Do you love her enough to get past all this and if you do then you should get back with her, other wise a guy who is as caring as you are would get lots of people to care back.

  4. Hi,


    My boyfriend lives on the other end of the country. We hardly see each other. Most of the times he gives me the impression that he thinks tht I am just going to leave him for someone who lives closer to me. Its just insecurity. I talk all night with him when he feels low about us. Sending cards and letters is a good idea. Pay him a surprise visit. Send him flowers. Send him your pictures. But most importantly tell him you love him. Tell how nice he makes you feel, how secure you are with him. They like it when we women depend on them emotionally since they want to but being guys really dont........ Good luck

  5. You seem to know what you need to do. Leave him. I dated a guy 8 years older then I am and trust me no one has been nicer to me than him. They know how to take care of you and dont behave like stupid fools coz they know you will leave them if they do. They are wiser and should be more responsible. You dont want to get married now but later do you want to be with someone who cant take care of you? Cant even go to school and finish up? think about it......

  6. It always will hurt. I will take my word for it. The only thing is that you have to learn to deal with the pain. Its not easy to be hurting and dealing with the pain but sooner or later you will have to do that.


    Write what you feel and read it once a week you will know what you really feel and what you think you feel. Seeing the emotions written out will only help you understand them better and will help you find a way to deal with them faster.


    Do things you did together. It will make you sad for sometime but you will learn to deal with it. It hurts to much I know but you have to go thru the pain.


    How long is the standing before you see light is all on you. How much you can fight and how soon you want to help youself. As you said anyone who does not want help cannot be helped.


    You need to wake up and do your thing. Life NEVER stops, you just have to face it. Time does not heal pain, it only gives you the strength to face it and move on. Talk to to me on YIM if you want to. I have been thru this....its never easy.



    Good luck

  7. I am going out with this guy I have not met for about 5 years. He asked me out and I do like him. I knew him well long ago and liked him too, so it was the next time to go out with him. We have been going out for about 5 months but have not met yet since we live too far away. I like him rather love him a lot. And I think he does too but he is so involved in himself. Everything has to be about him and his way. I feel like I am the last thing on his priority list. I stay up all night to talk to him but if I talk to him about that he thinks I am doing him a favor and yells at me and asks me to stop doing it. I broke up with him but were back together in 2 days. He does not want to break up. I dont know what to do. I really like him. I just dont know how to get him to be with me.....I mean understand me. I dont want to break up with him but I dont know what to do. How do I handle this? I know he loves me but he does not know how. He does not know to tell me or be romantic. It was ok in the beginning but I want to be loved now. I want him to be nicer to me and be there for me. I want him to be more aware of how I feel without me having to tell him about it. I understand that he was in a bad realtionship once and all that. I understand and I feel it but I dont think that getting hung over one old relationship is fair. They talk now and I am ok with it. I even encourage him to go out and flirt with girls and be with them so that he learns how to open up and come to me be able to tell me how he feels. I dont know what to do. I want to make things right. Everything I do is around him. I plan my day around him. Stay up all night so I can talk to him. I feel like even if he wants to he does not know how to give me all of him. Its like he feels I am not worth his emotions but he feels them. Why is it so had for guys to open up? Why is it so hard to be able to tell someone who loves you so much that you love them too??


    Is it possible? Can I change this man? Its all about his work and him. I want to be loved. Is that bad? Is it too much to ask to be loved back? Am I doing something wrong?


    What do you think?? I cant give up on him but cant live with this shit either.

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