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Posts posted by Bud

  1. Usually I like to give advice right now all I need is advice. This girl that I was going out with I had sex with her 3 months ago and a wk after we had sex she broke up with me. Now shes telling me she took a pregnancy test it came out negative but she's been missing her period since May. Shes also been throwin up here and there but I just want to know other ways to find out if she is pregnant. Please I just want to be a man about this and not crew it up.

  2. Your mother sounds very protective she still wants to treat u like her baby boy. She is afraid that this girl might hurt u or worse that u and the girl might get to close and perhaps she gets pregnant. Then again ur mother should realize that ur young and ur trying to know females better by dating them getting to know them, heres the number one thing u must remember WHAT MAMA DOESN'T KNOW WON'T HURT HER.

    Hope I was of ur use!


  3. Alright I can tell u love this girl very much and u think the world of her. Do not worry about when she graduates if she is commited to the relationship than u have nothing to worry about. Tell her this is how u feel, but u should also encourage her to go anywhere for a good education that shows u really love her. if she brakes up with u i'm afrais u will have to move on. Do not worry about the people who hurt u, only do terrible things to them when they say something offensive about your gf. Remember encourage her to get a good education first and then tell her that your afraid of the relationship ending.



  4. The poem is great and has thought to it but later on down the road do u think u might be feeling this way? I'm a christian and I know that god has his ways, don't worry about your mistakes, it only makes you smarter and as you go on in life you will learn how the ropes work.


  5. Hey its a good song, good rhythem and nice lyrics truly deep thoughts.You plan to make this a song well u should if u have the right beat and the right voice to go with it do whatever u have to to get the song out there.


  6. Alright last night I had a couple of beers, and it was 5 months since I stopped drinking. I was a normal drinker maybe a drink a week or 2. But I stopped and my ex-gf got angry at me last night becuz I was drunk and she called me a drunkie.

    So am an alcoholic?

    p.s. should I get help

  7. Alright first things first find out if ur friend likes her or if she likes him so u won't get hurt, secondly if she is acting all deppressed around usauly she wants pity or attention from u. It might be a sign that she is interested in u, it never hurts to listen to what she has to say, sometimes they need a shoulder to cry on.

    Goodluck !

  8. Hey man don't worry find out if she has a slight interest in u and then work the interest a little make her more curious about u. Give her attention but not too much some girls like attention some don't. wait a few weeks to see if she gives u some signal and then pop the question if she rejects u be a man and say thats fine, whatever u do don't get angry at her if she says no, stuff happens u know what I mean.

  9. Alright recently I sent a message on how to get my ex back, well I was wondering why good girls are attracted to guys who have 1.no job 2.no respect for anybody but themselves 3.have a "thick skull" and 4.just try to get down their pants. Its bothered me because most of my ex's have ended dating losers. The last gf I had her whole family liked me and I helped her with some problems but yet I still think she is attracted to the guy who ditched her at prom (I gave her a ride that night). So please girls just tell me why are u sometimes attracted to jerks?

  10. Hey I had a girl I was great friends with and we decided to date for awhile but it was weird and we still are friends. Heres a good and negative quote for yuh "Good friendship into good love possible but love into friendship ... never"

    Just try to it man sometimes being friends and then loving eachother is the best thing becuz your not only her friend but the guy she leans on

    Good luck man!

  11. alright so what if she doesn't want to date me, I know I can't decide whats right for her but her whole family likes me I was the one who helped her with her eating disorder, her deppression, all the other guys she has brought home her family hates because they treated her like nothing and thats what i'm afraid of happening is that she'll date some guy who will just step on her. Everyone in her family encouraged her to date me, when her boyfriend ditched her at the prom I was the one who gave her a ride home and theres this one ex bf of hers I just have the deepest hate for I can't stand his face and I've almost had other incidents with him. Shes a complete virgin to everything and I wanted to keep everything like that, those losers just want to get down her pants when I just want to love her.


    hey listen I have a friend who is a girl who is going through the same thing right now and she is just coping with it day by day. First thing you have to do is forget about the guy and forget about your friend if she did that to you shes a bat and hes a jerk who deserves whats coming to him. Don't let ppl walk on you show that your stronger than that sometimes we have to suck it up and leave it alone I know it hurts but thats love and i'm learning the same thing right now.


  12. Alright I've been dating this girl (Sarah) for a month and a half and she broke up with me 2 weeks ago and since then I really need her! Before her I was this alcoholic, drug attic, everything in my life was just not right and she brightend everything up once we went out. Since i'm 15 now and she just turned 15 i'm only like 10 months older than her so age isn't much of a difference. A month b4 we went out I had sex with a girl and it just didn't feel right becuz at that same time I began to fall in love with Sarah. I need to get her back, when she broke up with me she said "its not u its me" so I just acceppted it but now i'm heading down that dark & endless road and she brought me out of it. I have to get her back b4 she starts dating other losers who don't change I wish she would date my best friend than date some out of town loser. I just want her to be happy but at the same time I really love her!

    p.s. when she found out I had sex with that other girl I think she started thinking that I just wanted her for sex.

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