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Posts posted by SweetTartz

  1. I was dating a seemingly wonderful man for the last 2 months. We started bumping heads over last the 2 weeks or so. He was backing off - said he was in over his head and that he wasn't ready for a full blow relationship with me. But he would want my company - he would call me, ask me to dinner and to spend the night. I hestitated and respected myself. We broke things off last night - on fairly friendly terms. He insisted that I was a wonderful person but he just wasn't ready for me in that way. We're attempting the friendship route...my question is, is it possible for 2 people with a pretty intense sexual and emotional history to be friends? I know I'll have a hard time with it at first..but I really don't want him completely out of my life.

  2. I'm so sorry! That's awful! And I know this is going to sound a little harsh...but he didn't care about you - why else would he continue to hurt you like that? He was selfish and completely took advantage of your and your affections.


    Move on..I know it's hard but move on. He's a creep. He's not good enough for you. Don't let this jade you....not all men are walking a$$holes...next time around, love yourself more than the other person. Don't let this happen again.


    Stay strong.


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