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Posts posted by 69HondaRaceGirl23

  1. Sweetie. If you could see my heart right now, it would look like urs, in fact I got it tattooed on me. Black broken in half and bleeding. It hurts. I am in almost the EXACT same position, its uncanny how much urs and mine sound alike. Let me be the first to say...If you truly love him. then try to talk to him. But don't break down on the phone that will only give him the upper hand, like i did with Alex, I told him I needed him back and couldn't go on without him and blah blah, but that was awhile ago, now its a bit different cuz i did get himback, but for different reasons, and only to make it end like this, cuz after i got him back, i dd everything to keep him happy. and it still ended like htis. im still heart broken, and I still and drowning in my own pain. so stick with me and u and me will get through it. keep me up to date! God Bless

  2. Well, Here I am again, trying to feel better. Its worse, only now, i don't want to get better, please just somebody help me get him back! I had earlier told my story, how he left me dawged on me, but i had cheated on him, i understand, he has a new g/f, but he says theya ren't going out but she says they are. I don't care. What am I supposed to do? CALL him? I already emailed him, but nothing in it said anythign about how i cant get over him and still love him. I lied to him, and Ithink he hates me now, he tells ppl im crazy, but there has to be a way i can change that! : ! I honestly, don't want to hear the whole thing about needing to move on, I love him too much, say it if you must, but i beg you! anyone, what should i do? He is far away, it was a long distance, i just need help on how to make himlisten to me at least. i cant do this without him.

  3. u have the jitters its normal, but if there is any doubt in your mind, then you are not ready to have sex. wait until you are sure, u will still get nervous when the time comes, but try to relax and live in the moment

  4. OK! I have had sex with around 5 ppl. and have had sex plenty, i don't want to sound loose, but its the truth..I have NEVER had an orgasm...not once. I mean, is there something goin on with that? What are some good tips that could maybe help me out..I am getting over my boyfriend..and i sleep with a guy that is my comfort sex. But even before my heart got broken I couldn't orgasm! PLEASE HELP!

  5. Did your boyfriend cum inside of you? Do you itch a lot down there? itchiness can be a sign of many things but i a lot of times after having sex will continue to get the same white stuff in my panties and had no problem

  6. Smuck...BREATHE...its OK, that is normal, white stuff in ur panties is normal..but yes, I was pregnant, awhile back and had it aborted. I have also had recent pregnancy scares, some symptoms early on will be fatigue, breast tenderness, nausea, but a kind of nausea that you will be all of a sudden queezy and dizzy, you will maybe feel a little bit moody even. BUT stress can make you skip your period as well. Wait two weeks after you have missed your period and get a home one, if it is positive take a lil trip to the doctor so you know for sure...You make sure you let me know what happens..I have been there, and I wanna know what happens! ur in my prayers, good luck and God Bless

  7. try different things, maybe he doesnt know what he would like the most, try as many new things as you are comfortable with and let him be the judge as to which ones he likes best, then you can continue that. lemme see, u could try sex toys, masturbating, lingerie in his favorite color...or if he likes it rough like my ex did, handcuffs are fun, tie him down, blind fold him, do whatever you can to try new things. have fun!

  8. DO NOT EVER feel that you shouldnt ask him to keep the baby if it is what you want. I relate to you well, though i am only 16 I had an abortion last october b/c i was with my boyfriend and i got pregnant from a one night stand..not a day goes by that i don't wish i could see my babies face, or wonder whether it was a boy or girl...please please please, for ur emotional stability and for your babies sake, make the decision that owuld best benefit the both of you...i know the pain you are feeling must be tremendous, and I would not dream of judging you but I want you to know, that there are so many things that you could do to keep ur baby, not only that there is always adoption. THough, i know I could never do that, its better then knowing ur child will never see the sun shine...but try to find god in this mess and let him guide you. He will help you, even if you aren't a believer, just give hima chance, i promise he knows what hes doing..good luck and God Bless

  9. keep the above comment in mind before i continue....With me it hurt..A LOT. I am also 5'7 and 113 lbs. I am small. But a lot of times the first time that ur vagina gets stretched it hurts....and u may bleed a little. It also depends on how big the guy is. The first couple thrusts may hurt the worst but then it will only hurt a little. To try o cut the pain down, do some foreplay first. get as excited as possible. that way u will open a lil more.

  10. yep...dont shave so much if you dont like it. thehair protects ur vagina and doesn't let bacteria and germs get in, so when its gone, ur body produces more juices to clean itself. And the air......it sucks, i know, but cant do nothing about it...well keep ur legs closer together that helps a little

  11. ARIGHT, try different positions rather then the missionary, this will get you warmed up to being with him, then eventually you may be more comfortable to do other things such as using sex toys.. I will suggest one position where the guy is on top...take ur most flexible leg and place it on his shoulder..keep the other one down and let him do the thrusting...guys dig that because it squeezes his you know what tighter. One where you would be on top would be like just simple...u sit and ride, and let him thrust from down below...make sure you alter speed too to keep the pleasure going longer. HAVE FUN

  12. OK! I will try the best I can to help you..Call her, ask her out, tell her YOU will pick her up and take her, where ever it is you have planned. Then take her out. And if she says no, dont like stress over it, it is one girl out of millions, and heres the thing...the interenet thing isn't bad, but it is always better to get to know somebody in person, so cut 30% of the internet time and talk to her on the phone 15% of the time and try to get together with her the other 15%, and slowly let the other 30% online taper off...you see what Im sayin?? don't make it a point to talk to her on the internet, if you see her on, say what up..but anyway Im out! God Bless

  13. Omg, You have no idea how many songs i can give you! Wow! I have 3 CDs labeled like DOWN and stuff like that...lemme just list some then you down load them and lemme know what you think,a nd if you need more...hit me up..I highly suggest you go for the Travis Tritt ones first, then the ones that I have comments written on...Knock urself out

    Jimmy Wayne- "Stay Gone"

    Trace Adkins- "Help Me Understand"

    Bryan Adams-"Please Forgive Me"

    Amanda Perez -"Angel"

    Mariah Carey-"Never too Far"

    Garth Brooks-"The Dance"

    Garth Brooks-"Same Old Story"

    Vince Gill-"Someday"

    Brooks and Dunn-"Neon Moon"

    Dixie Chix-"Without You"

    'N Sync-"Gone"

    Tyrese-"How You Gonna Act Like That?"

    Kid Rock Featuring Sheryl Crow-"Picture"

    Montgomery Gentry-"Speed"

    Brandy-"Have You Ever"

    Brandy-"Almost Doesn't Count"

    'N Sync- "I Drive Myself Crazy"

    Jonny Lang-"Breakin' Me"


    Travis Tritt-"Anymore"

    Travis Tritt-"Help Me Hold On"

    Travis Tritt-"Foolish Pride"

    Travis Tritt-"Tell Me I Was Dreamin"

  14. I can say from experience, that a lot of times, it isn't about looks when it comes to things like love. I know girls and guys both always notice physical appearance first but try not to let that put you down. i am a firm believer in there is somebody out there for everybody, so just dont lose hope over something like that. looks shouldn't matter at all. and over time the scars will dissipate slowly, and if it bothers you that much they do have surgeries that are amazing with results. so just keep your head held high, ull be aight. God bless

  15. ALRIGHT, good question. Technically, once you have lost it, it is gone. BUT, if you are a christian then you will relate. There is a thing called renewed virginity, and in a medical sense it is not real, but in an emotional and mental sense it is. Stop having sex, the vagina will tighten again, hemen is lost but it will tighten, and you can emotionally and mentally be a virign again. But that is only in the christian outlook, not medical.

  16. Hello, honey, I know it hurts...believe me I know. I just went through the same thing, a little different circumstances. It is the sound of their voice you miss. You miss the routine...You are so used to talking to him, that when you don't, you feel like something is missing. I assure you. Its normal. And that something is missing, your man. But, Its not him. Its you. I know that sounds bad, but just think about it. You are you, you have the will power to change the way you feel. Don't let something like this ruin YOU. If you want to, you can feel better. I know it is easier said then done. But that is what somebody told me when me and my guy broke up, and it comforted me for awhile. Like now it is 4 AM, i cannot sleep for fear i will try and call him. Just do other things that don't make you think of him, and eventually that will become your new routine and he wont cross your mind, but every now and then.

  17. i kind of understand what you are saying. But you didnt say whether or not you found out if he was cheating on you for sure. I would wait and find out for sure if he is or was cheating on you. And know that his brother wouldn't tell you. His brother would probably keep his secret for him. Not only that, but if he isnt calling you Im not really sure that it is truly the kind of relationship you want. Just try to call him and get ahold of him. talk to him about everything and go from there

  18. This may get long, so please try to stay with me. Im only 16, 17 on saturday. But I have loved deeper then I ever thought I could. I guess so you can understand, you have to know it from the beginning.

    I have always been the type of person who stayed far away from any relationship risking getting hurt. I didn't want to take that chance. I had seen my sisters heart crumble too many times to let it happen to myself. I fell head over heels for Nicky. A motorcycle racer whom I had followed for years. But a little over a year ago, I got introduced to Alex. Right away, my heart dropped. His Australian accent, dark hair with green eyes that pierced right through anything. I knew right then I would leave with him in my mind. By the time I got home I couldn't stop thinking about him. So I went to his website, posted a message on his message board, and a few days later he e-mailed me back. We talked all the time, and by November, we were already going out. By January, he brought up that he loved me. I was so caught up in it, that tears flooded my eyes and I realized I truly loved him back.

    Well things got messy and we broke up in march. A week later though, we were back together, and this time making future plans. As soon as I could it was planned I would go to California and travel to the races with him. We had our children named and even the kind of dog we would have. I like pit bulls but he likes rottweilers, and I would have done anything to make him happy so we agreed that we would have rottweilers. I could not imagine being any happier. I had completely changed my lifes plans. I mean I thought, screw college, I don't need to act or model any more, Alex makes plenty of money, he has security... everything.

    How stupid I was. In may, out of nowhere. He didn't call me for 3 days. I was so distraut. I mean, the day that we stopped talking, he called me but I was in a bad mood because I was with my mom and we had gotten in a fight. So I told him I would call him later, He kept asking me what was wrong, but I was being snotty and told him I would call him later. That night I called him and he was so shady. Then i didn't hear from him for 3 days. So I finally emailed him, and he called me and said, that he no longer had a girlfriend. My whole world it seemed fell in front of me.

    Now, he has a new girlfriend. One that he wanted to cheat on with me at the motorcycle races in Minnesota. But instead, to piss him off, I got with one of his team mates and good friends. He told me I was crazy and he wants nothing to do with me. I revealed to him the 2 times I cheated on him. He told me that, his new girlfriend lives in Wisconsin and he goes to stay with her a lot.

    It gets worse. July 3, I called him to tell him that I missed him. He told me why it was exactly he was so mad about me getting with his teammate. Then he said, "Alicia, I have to go now please don't ever call me again" I said, "Fine!" and hung up. Well the next night. He called to stomp on my heart. He called and said, "I love you" I kept telling him to stop. Then He asked what if he really did, I said that he sucked at showing it. He started laughing saying its because he doesn't really love me so he couldn't suck at showing it. He started laughing and said, "I just wanted to call and trick you" I didn't say anything, I just felt tears rolling down my face and I hung up.

    I feel it is my fault we broke up. I still love him. I can't stop thinking about him. I don't know what I am supposed to do! SOmebody please help me! Im drowning. All I want to do is get drunk all the time. It releases me, makes me happy, then I go to sleep without even wanting to talk to him. If I am sober I have to call him blocked then hang up when he answers just to hear his voice. I listen to depressing songs. I cry all the time. Which believe me I am not one to cry. I want him back, I would be willing to do things different, I would be willing to do anything if I could have him back. Its been months what is wrong with me?

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