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Posts posted by AmeNM

  1. I don't know what to do or think right now! I feel in love for the very first time and after six mths., we broke up! He thinks I have been unfaithful to him, which is so untrue, thereforeeee he decided to end it all! Then he says that he is still in love with is ex-wife and that he never loved me, and he is going to get back with her. Something I have been asking him for a while now, because I always had the feeling that he wanted her back. I don't know if he is just B.S.'ing me because he thinks I cheated on him, or if he never did love me. I really don't know what to think because I am getting mixed signals right now! One minute he is saying he still loves her and then he is saying that I hurt him real bad and he thought I would be the perfect mother for his daughter! I don't kow what to think, but I am very hurt and confused! No matter what, I will always love him and I am hurting so bad, what do I do????

  2. Okay here is the situation, I have been with my boyfriend for about six months now and there is this other woman that has always been attracted to him. I knew about her when we first got together, but nothing was ever going on between them. She is married and knows about me. At first it didn't bother me because she was keeping her distance from him and never disrespected me. But just about a week ago she contacted him via email and told him that she wanted to come over when I wasn't there, and she made it clear, using my name and everything. I don't know what to do because she still keeps contacting him and he isn't rude with her. She is a very good friend of his parents, so he has to be somewhat nice to her. What should I do???

  3. Well in my situation it is just the opposite. I am the female and I love my boyfriend very much, but beginning to realize that we would be better off broken up. My reason for this is because I love him very much and I know he loves me, but we are two totally different people and we just aren't meant for eachother. Things like this happy sometimes and you should just be happy that it wasn't a bad break up, meaning he didn't go out and cheat on you or hurt you physically in anyway. Don't revolve your life around a man, because that is the problem I am starting to overcome. He is my everything, but I have to realize that there was life before him and there will be life after him. Take care of yourself and just rememeber that time heals all pain and that god does things for a reason.

  4. Okay here is the situation, my boyfriend (ex now) kept accussing me of cheating on him, and I wasn't! He stayed at my apartment one day when I went to work and went through all my stuff! I had a box full of crap I don't use or even look at, but he didn't like what he saw in there! There were condoms in there that I was given a long time ago by my OBGYN! I just recently moved to that apartment, so when I moved out of my parents house I just throw everything in a box, don't thinking I was going to be in a very serious relationship! He thinks those condoms are for a specific person and won't listen to a word I say! No I would like some male opinions on what to do! I love him w/ all my heart and am miserable without him! PLEASE HELP!

  5. I am kind of dealing with the same thing! My boyfriend went through my entire apartment, searched through everything. The problem with him is that he straight up says he doesn't trust me. He is constantly asking me what I am doing, where I am and who I am talking to! He is very insecure! I have told him time and time again that he is the only one and that I love him very much, but he still feels as if I am going to cheat on him. I hope we can talk further, because I think we are going through the same thing.

  6. I am really in love w/ this man, but he is extremely jealous. He is always accussing me of cheating on him, and it is so not true! He is firm on what he thinks, and there is no discussion. Just the other day I left him at my place alone and he went through everything! He thinks I am cheating on him and doesn't want to be with me anymore. What do I do? I don't want to let him go because I love him a lot, but I'm not sure if this is a healthy relationship or not! Help?

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