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Everything posted by Slicker

  1. Slicker

    Help :-)

    Uhh..How would I start up a conversation with her in the Hallway when she's alone and on her way to class? She's usually with her friends in Gym class and I don't want to embarrass her or me..
  2. Slicker

    Help :-)

    Alright, this has probably been asked a hundred times, but I'm gonna go ahead and ask for help. There's this girl in my Gym class who I am attracted to, and I think she's attracted to me as well. The problem is that everytime I think about going to talk to her, I don't know what to say. She's basically the only person that I can't talk to because of the attraction. I feel the "chemistry" with her, yet I have never talked to her. I am just wondering how I should ask her if she has a boyfriend and if she'd like to hang out without seeming desperate or annoying.
  3. So it's just kissing for a while?
  4. What Does Making Out mean and How do you do it.. I'm going into my first year as a High-School Student and I don't want to feel ignorant if/when I have a gf. Please Help P.S.-Cool Site
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