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Posts posted by ivymisstress88

  1. This has nothing to do with dating, but then it doesn't fit into any topic, it's just an odd question that really isn't important, ok, dudes, if one morning, you woke up with a vagina, what would you do. Likewise, chicks, what would you do if you woke up with a penis. Because I personally would take a pis outside, and write something on the concreate/in the snow, whatever, depending the season. But after that, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.



  2. Ok, my best friend a few months ago told me he was depressed and was going to kill herself because of the fact that her dad beats on her. I can't prove this, but I have some signs that he does. He shuts her in the house. She can't have friends over. She can't talk on the phone. And besides all that, she has these bruises on her back. So, me and another friend told the guidence councilor, and she got called down. Well, she didn't tell her the truth, she said it was because of the constant taunting she got at school. So she got some anti-depressants and sleeping pills, and everything was going ok, but then she started getting these ideas of running away. We got in fights constantly about it. I nearly hung myself in the grove behind the school I was so sick of everything. But anyway, I told her to tell someone about it, and she refuses to because she doesn't want to have to move away from everybody, her other friends I mean. Then, a few weeks ago, when I wasn't home, she came over wearing a backpack. Come to find out, her mom called a little after saying that if she came over again we had to tell her. So I have no place to go. I can't talk to her.There's no way I can come in contact with her,, and even if I did, I don't know what to say because I don't know what she's going through, and she's told me that so many times. I just want to be able to be someone who can advise her. Someone who can be a comfort. So, sombody, please clue me in somehow. I've lost connections, I can't relate anymore.



  3. Craziness. Yeah, ok, well, I've been digging on this dude real bad for eight months now, and all of his friends have said that he digs me as well. And besides that, he's asked me out three times. And I've asked him twice. All of these, 5 times, nothing occoured. There was no date, nothing. And every time I make an advance of some kind, a love letter, something, he runs away. Well, not literally, but, you know what I mean. Anyway, I don't know what my question is, I just need an opinion. He's not going to be in my school this year, so I won't see him again until next September, unless I can geet some guidence. AHHHH!! Help.



  4. Man! Ok, well, I think you should just go up to them, and, start a conversation. Nothing flashy, just...something. I guess it kind of depends on the situation. If you were at a bar, just ask her what she's drinking, as if you didn't know (this might not work if she's drinking a labled beer). At a club, perhaps you should just ask her to dance,s trike up a conversation about music or dance or whatever (but not exotic stripper type danceing) and lead into the thing, or, whatever. Just, don't be too forward. But, be confidant. Gurr. I guess what I'm tring to say is, don't be arrogant. Much toughness, but, anyway. Good luck with your girl scouting And remember to



  5. What to say. I wish i could just somehow go through this thing and give you a hug. Just something to stop you from hurting. Look at your daughter. She loves you. I'll bet anything. She wants her mum, not someone who's always sad and wanting something more. She could be your heavensent you know. And, maybe you just need to get to this guy in person and talk to him. Be delicate. You're both hurting. You're both reflections of eachother. Look at something you both love. Your daughter. You gotta just let him know how your feeling. Take that risk of telling him. If he runs away, then you just have to chase after him. If he gets to home base, then, you just have to go and look for the other people playing hide-and-seek with you. You just have to remember that you're important. To you're daughter. Just keep looking for him. If he won't come out, then you'll just have to try to go on. It's the hardest thing anyone has to do, but it helps when someone's there with you

    Praying that I helped you



  6. First off my dearest butterly, from what you've written, you're...amazing. Ok, first off, not many people can admit there insecurites. And it's awsome that you can write it all out and, just get comfort from doing that, but back to business. if you're happy with the way you look, with yourself, than you should just give all those other people a big because if your happy, then you don't need people bringing you down. I do that too much, it blows. But anyway, just because those stores weren't "acceptable" doesn't mean that all of the windows were closed. Ya' know, you are truly blessed to have lost that much weight period. I mean, it's mind boggleing I could never do that. Just, all that stuff that's going on inside your mind, erase it, because if you could accompish so much, and express the way you feel, then you're more beutiful than carmen electra, than anybody. I hope that helped. Life's too short to worry about other peoples blindness



  7. Well, joseph, the movies would be ok,but if this is the first kiss, don't you want it to be a bit more personal. And besides that, its really dark, what if you miss her mouth. Or she's really into the movie and she doesn't want to be kissed. Or what if she has popcorn kernals stuck in her teeth. Ever think of that? No, that's just gross...ew. but, Buddy, I don't think you have much of a choice but to ask her. just ask her if you can kiss her. That way, her dad can't get mad, because you had permission...and why would you listen to her 15 year old brother anyway. Oh, and be sure to point out that you really dig her, and you dont' want to have to break up with her. And, yeah. You just need to speak up. I autta know that chicks dig honesty...most of the time. But in this case, honest is good...honest is very good.



  8. K. Well, take caution, we don't want any broken limbs or shattered elbows. Eiather way. Is the main purpose of kissing her on the trampoline to get the sensation with the jumpfullness, because if it is, then, no, that won't work. Just put your hands on her waist,(her center of gravity.) and jump up. She should come along with you. and while in mid-air, just, try to kiss her, but, much apologies if heads are bumped or something like that. In that case, you didn't get this advice from me

    Yeah. But. happy trampoline-makingout-experiences.



  9. Hm...marcus, much understanding for your situation I have . Well, this chick is obviously a bit loco if you get my drift. To be perfectly honest, maybe she misunderstood you, maybe you underestimated her. Or...OR! Or maybe she changed her mind. Maybe she realized she dug that other dude more or something. If so, then I understand your feelings of anger and hurtedness. But, I don't think your kissing had anything to do with it. Maybe she just treasured you as a friend, not a "boyfriend". It blows I know, but you have to figure, maybe there's another chick who digs you just as much as you dug this insane one. Trust me, I've had my feelings mangled many a time, it takes forever for the stains to come out, but they will. I promise. Don't worry about her, if she dropped you like that, then she didn't disurve you. Your feelings.

    Hope that was help.



  10. Hm...unflown bird, I see your situation, and have come to answer your question. Well, first off, one person's definition of a "romantic kiss" might be different from another person's. So, considering the factors of your dilema, the first step is, be sure you're alone. If not utterly alone, then, well...where you are unseen. Second, if you haven't kissed her before, ask. How, just simply say these words, and I quote, "Can I kiss you?" if she says yes, then grasp her hand, or something like that. If not already done, make eye contact, and if she is the one who is causing this not to happen, then lift her chin and just kiss her gently. Note is the key word here. But, on the other hand, if she says no, then wait a while, a few days or something, and during that time, make sure to get the point accross that you really dig her. Hm, and I guess, reapeat aformentioned things. But, don't force it upon her. If she wants to kiss you, she will, and she probably will. Eiather way, yeah.

  11. Grettings Hulk type being. Well, first off, try to "tease" her lips with your tonuge, just to see if she'll...let you in? I don't know if that's the right term, but, eiather way. This may seem akward, but hey. If permission to enter is granted, then trace your tonuge on the inside edges of her mouth, but make sure you don't whirl your tonuge all over the place...this is quite on the nauseating side. (in my opinion.) Um, but, anyway. Don't gag her with your tonuge...it could get tradgic, I know from past experiences. And, at some point, when her tonuge is in your mouth, slide yours along hers. It gets kind of interesting after that. And from that point on, just go with the flow. And note: pop yourself a mint before any kind 'passionate' kissing.



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