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Everything posted by electricchick

  1. iv liked my best guyfriend/classmate for the longest time, and i always find myself comparing other guys to him. im don't quite agree with class relationships cos i feel they'll screw up the original friendship. for that reason, iv been telling myself not to like him. but i just can't help it. we spend so much time together and share soooo many things in common its uncanny. im mean.. how many 19year olds can you find who like songs and movies from the 50s-60s.. (we just went to watch a concert last night. he told me he enjoyed himself, asked me to msg him when i got home, and told me to sleep early cos i said i was tired..) trouble is, in the 1st place, i don't even know if he likes me in a boyfriend-girlfriend sorta way.. which is killing me, cos i see him everyday. it's sheer torture. we've one more year together in the same class. my bestfriend and magazine articles have been telling me the same thing - go forth and just tell him before i regret it. how should i go about it..
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