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Everything posted by ribitx2

  1. I hear what your saying, completely. What I believe happens in some cases is that the person you want to forgive you is not ready to do that yet. Which can mean, you get your feelings hurt, by their anger, and possibly even upset them more, by reentering their world and asking for forgiveness. I just feel like it is more healthy for you to look towards yourself for the first steps of forgiveness. The Basic Practice There are three kinds of forgiveness, all interrelated. There is self-forgiveness, which enables us to release our guilt and perfectionism. There is the forgiveness we extend to others and receive from them, intimates and enemies alike. And there is the forgiveness of God that assures us of our worth and strengthens us for this practice. All the spiritual traditions raise up the value of forgiveness, but many people still find it to be a nearly impossible ideal. Just start somewhere. Look truthfully at one hurt you have not been able to forgive. Identify any associated feelings you might have, such as anger, denial, guilt, shame, or embarrassment. Imagine what it would be like to live without feeling this offense. Then let it go. Other steps may be necessary for healing — a confession of your contribution to the conflict, making amends, changing behavior, a commitment to the community — but giving up your claims for, and sometimes against, yourself is where you have to begin
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