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  1. I dated a guy for 1 1/2 years and we were planning on marriage when he gave me the "i need a break" speech. we tried for a few weeks to resolve things to no avail and split finally approx. 7 mos ago and our last contact was the middle of december. until last week when he initiated an email exchange and kept it going (kept asking questions, even when I didn't). I think the emails have finally stopped now. But it brought back all the grief I haven't felt in a while. I knew I wasn't totally over the experience yet - am still feeling lonely, missing being loved, missing all the relationship stuff and having a partner, etc... but I thought I'd made more progress than this. I now know that I'm still missing him terribly and want so very much for him to say that he wants me back. We broke up because he hadn't settled career and family stuff - not because there wasn't tremendous love on both sides. So it sounds like he's working that stuff out and I'm obviously hoping he'll want me again but that's just pathetic. I'm a smart, strong, independent, attractive, 36 year old woman who has never been so devastated by anything before and I'm having an extremely hard time w/ who I've become. I know all the right things to say and do - I've counseled dozens of my girlfriends in similar situations, but I'm just not handling it well. As they say, misery loves company and at least this message board reminds me that I'm not alone. Unfortunately it also reminds me of just how typical my situation is. Advice freely welcomed! thx.
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