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Everything posted by Vulpes

  1. I never got to talk to him today. He kept looking my way, but my feet felt as if they were cemented to the ground. I can't talk to him! I'm just a stuttering pile of jelly when I'm around him. He said last night, when I said I was afraid he didn't like me... he said "Don't worry 'bout that' which could have meant he didn't like me. Everyone says he does, but when I try to talk to him about it... he wants to get offline or then go with his friends. He's at the movies right now with his two friends... and we prob won't be able to see each other in person for a month till school starts... and he'll probably get bored and break up with me. God I'm hopeless. Why would anyone like me.......
  2. The thing is, tomorrow is our last day of Summer School... and I won't get to see him for a month because he's always busy. He's always with his friends, and he's never available to go to the movies with me. I don't think his mom likes me because his mom wants him to go out with someone else. As much as I'd LOVE to go give him a hug and a kiss... we're only 14. And I'd embarrass him and myself.
  3. Now it's my turn for a problem. My boyfriend and I have been together a month and a half about. We have only talked in person twice. .. other times on the internet. He says he likes me... but... I'm really afraid he doesnt. I wanna talk to him more but he's always with his friends... he's known them longer than me and I don't wanna stand inbetween him and his friends. So I keep a distance whenever he's with them. He's really really sweet... but I'm just really afraid. Please help me? I'm afraid I'm not good enough for him. I'm really not good enough for anyone. I'm ugly and fat... and he's thin and extremely cute. Help me anyone. Please?
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