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Posts posted by italianace19

  1. Everybody knows that women are more emotionally attached to having sex then men are.Honestly most men do use women as sex toys and nothing else-but trust me it never last long.The reason guys are some what treated better or given better respect is because of the whole past thing that women weren't allowed to do anything and men were the boss of their house.Whethere people admitt it or not I know that most of the American population still has this idea in the back of their heads.It's really sad the women get treated the way they do sometimes by guys.I mean how can a man call you a femals dog and then turn around and want to have sex with you or ask you to do something for him.I'm not here to step on guys toes-I'm just here to tell the truth.It is common for a guy to think that he is the better species-which I think is wrong.Women have proven themselves time and time again.I don't know if this helps you in anyway but I hope it does something for you.

  2. It depends on what kind of guy he is.He might be a guy that is attracted to the physical features of a girl or a guy that is attracted to her emotions and the feelings of a girl.You first need to find out what he is attracted to most because every guy is different.Although most guys like a girl with a decent body and a good mind.My advice is to talk to him and let him know how you feel.There is only one true way to find out what he likes and that is to ask him yourself-then he will know that you really do care.

  3. See the thing is I really love my ex.And we were working things out and on our way to get back together.But now we are back to square one.I just dont get why the undersage is trying to mess up my life two years later.?????

  4. I recently got dumped after a ten month relationship.She said that we spent too much time together and that she felt suffocated.On the night that she broke up with me I asked if there was any way to solve the problem other than breaking up and she said no.I have since asked if she would give me another chance later on.What am I to do?

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