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Posts posted by j.man

  1. Honestly, it's pretty rare I ever see a thread where someone just pounded on, and when it does happen, it's typically as close to justified as it gets.


    At the end of the day, this is a free forum. No one here is paid. So to some extent-- if not entirely-- we're each here for our own amusement. Some like to play mother hen. Others armchair psychologists. Others are more curt. And sure, there's the occasional ***hole. I'd like to think I don't fit into that most latter category, but opinions are opinions.


    Piggybacking off that very idea of diverse approaches, people coming here for advice likewise aren't all the same. Some people might be a day out of a relationship and not open to anything other than consoling words. Others may very much appreciate very concise and practical reflections and advice right on the spot. I likewise don't enjoy being flamed, and I don't get any particular kick out of being a d1ck just for the same of being one. But we all have our own views of what someone should or needs to hear, and we state in whichever way we can be bothered to sit at the keyboard and express.


    Also bear in mind that by the content's very nature and the inherent capabilities of an amateur advice forum, very few people are walking out of here with a lifelong epiphany or a brand new sense of purpose worth taking the time to write a review about. Meanwhile the folks who'd expect a forum of free thinking and autonomous adults to by and large conform to the advice they feel they should be getting are likely the type to be particularly affected by hearing what they don't want to hear.


    Also, I miss you, LaHermes.

  2. Why tell him? I honestly don't think doing so is owning your choices. "You do this; therefore, we are incompatible" is designating the other person's behavior as the affirmative rather than one's own attitude toward it. That but for them amending their behavior, you'd deem them worthy of your effort, rather than you amending yours to accept his. Hopefully you can see why it's problematic, particularly when so early into things.


    That's not at all saying you're wrong to have your preferences and to stick to them, but again, in so far as harm isn't concerned, I'd try to take the attitude of "I don't like what he does" rather than "he does something I don't like." I've never identified a woman's harmless behavior when letting her know I don't see us going anywhere. If they enjoy doing something, even if it's scrolling through Instagram models, I'd rather she continue without my influencing otherwise so that she may find someone who wouldn't care while she continues enjoying it.

  3. "Yo contigo, tu conmigo" by Morat ft. Alvaro Soler


    Spanish and a bit campy, so might not be everyone's taste, but this popped up while I was listening to the radio while cleaning and I started killin' it. I'd post a VEVO link but it's not accessible for US.


    [video=youtube;vqdfQ6QZWc0] ]

  4. Alien Covenant


    First movie I've seen in theaters in a loooooong time. I liked it, but being a little more invested in the Alien franchise than is probably healthy, it was a bit disappointing to see that, while it didn't ruin anything like so many are complaining, it didn't feel like it really took us anywhere. Personally, I think Scott's making a mistake essentially going the direct Prequel / Sequel route. I think the franchise would do much better going the Cloverfield route and expanding the universe with an anthology. There's simply only so much he can do if he's trying to lead us straight back to the 1979 Space Jockey.


    In any case, still looking forward to Awakening.

  5. Occasionally, I look back.

    To innocence.

    To the desert.

    To the victims.

    To simplicity.

    To love.

    To home.

    All of which I've loved from each of them.

    All of which are no longer with me.

    All of whom I will always miss.

    And though through my life today, my smile holds genuine.

    On that one day it fades.

    Not for sorrow.

    Not for angst.

    Not for pity.

    But to understand.

    Who I am today.

    As today changes to today, everyday.

    All I've seen.

    All I've done.

    All I've known.

    All I've loved.

    Will always be me.

    Who I am happy to be.

    It's a single step.

    Take it.

    Breathe free.

  6. Interested to see how people interpret this:


    What are we to conceive as a new light being born?

    As a beautiful spirit encumbered with adorn?

    An aura of pedals emitting from each tiny step we take

    The innocence of a gaze lighting paths no darkness can forsake

    Devolution from the evolution

    Our own freedom no longer the solution

    Our maturity breeds a sympathy of contempt

    A love lacking solace, of which few are exempt

    Ideals exceeding our control

    Your independence is now null

    I will care for you as you do not

    I will carry the flag where those you've loved once fought

    In your name, the flashes I ignite will light the night

    Their skins will burn and melt, until they no longer fight

    You will see my smile, and you will know I am right

    This is as you would like, the proof is in my might

    Retract from me your hand, and present me your pain

    I will heal your wounds with the blood of the slain

    Cry not for your losses, nor the conflict you endure

    Stand behind me, your safety is mine to procure

    The shadow of my wings will keep you from harms way

    While inside I die, my feathers taint, and float astray

    The blood flows from my eyes

    My screams distort my disguise

    Your absent stare penetrates my heart

    My emotion and conscience ripped apart

    And I now know what is true

    In that I will never be you

    I painfully clench my hopes into dust

    And leave my instruments to decay and rust

    My love will remain

    You and I never the same

    I turn to fade, and allow you to rise

    And afford you the trust real love should comprise

    Unto you, I relinquish my control

    And take in the freedom enjoyed long ago

  7. I didn't take as much time to write this one, it was more spur of the moment following a night of bad dreams. Again I won't divulge too many details of the context, maybe you'll get the hint.


    It's a fledging light I battle for nightly

    My feet travel fast as I grasp it tightly

    The soles fade, the gravel digs in deeply

    A trail of steps bloody the road behind me

    Feeding consuming mists encroaching quickly

    The light strips itself from my hands, this cannot be

    I watch it escape in to distant lands, I cannot see

    I fall to my knees, my soul bleeding from my eyes

    My conscience consumes me, muting my desparate cries


    And in my hands appears the instrument of redemption

    I smile faintly, my heart filled with contention

    This is our fault, I have to save them

    This is their fault, I have to kill them

    I spread my wings in a land where Angels cannot exist

    I stagger forward against the winds, awaiting innocence's kiss

    I see them smile, I see their hope

    When they are destroyed, I can barely cope

    My emotions submit to the reality

    My feathers shed themselves gradually

    With my instrument, I will soothe them with destruction

    A vengeance unleashes itself through me, this peace will function

    I will hunt them all, this is my decree

    If you kill, I wlll kill

    My determination will find you, and you will not be

    From high up above, I will wait for you to rally

    You will stand no chance

    I will use your blood for the tally


    I stretch my arm out disparately

    You have to stop, this is not who to be

    How can you not see what this will do to me?

    I promise someday you will be dead to me.

    My soul lingers closely, the light approaches teasingly

    My lungs shatter as I scream as I strip from you my redemption

    As you've done, I do unto you

    I have cleansed you from myself, your blood covers my face

    Never again will I have my wings, your memory I will disgrace

    Lightness approaches, my soul enters my being

    Eyes open, I am now clearly seeing

    At this time, I will be happy, without so much as the thought of you

    But you will never die, you will never fade

    You have been me, you know where in me you can be

    With them, in my dreams we will always meet

    But you will never face anything less than defeat

    So you may enjoy your stay

    For in reality, never again will you play

  8. It's pretty long, there's a back story to it but I'm hoping you can get the gist of it by reading it.


    I visited your mother the other day

    And on the mantle your picture lay

    Hair trimmed tight, smiling bright

    Standing proudly in your uniform

    Just an image to keep her warm

    I looked at her as she looked at me

    We both bear the difficulty

    In eachother's eyes we only see you

    We relive the suffering we've both gone through


    What I once would have given to have been there

    To have had that one final moment to share

    To have put my hand in your hair

    To have witnessed your fading stare

    To have grasped your quivering hand

    To have given you comfort as you lie in the sand

    To have assured you that we would soon be home

    Never to hint you would soon die alone


    You were my hero, you gave me strength

    Though you'd seen what I'd seen, your smile never lost length

    You were my friend, my brother with a gun

    Though you'd done what I'd done, your eyes shone like the sun

    You never hated, you never lost temper

    When all I could feel was paramount anger

    It was something I was so glad and disparaged to see

    A level of perfection I could only aspire to be

    Not seeing the mask, the unwillingness for the task


    I heard the news that your life was fading

    Words going up and down, my hopes barely wading

    With the end of your span, you were but a man

    You were supposed to save me, how could you perish?

    Your common thoughts and experiences I was supposed to cherish

    Instead you left me, alone with my life

    Alone to live with my internal strife

    Against the demons, my confidence and will you were supposed to aid

    Overwhelmed and beaten, with your death did they fade

    Just another soldier dead, a statistic, a number

    Among the countless many to violently enter the slumber

    My eyes could do nothing but stare wide that night

    You were supposed to be the good to return from that land

    Damned, you fell, to be absorbed by the blood, the cries, the sand


    The words your mother would say that following day will never stray

    To hear that what I'd seen in you was but a fraction of what you saw in me

    That to you, I was everything a hero could be

    To feel the pain, the sorrow, the suffering

    To endure, adapt, and maintain my being

    While all you could do was smile, your mask glued strong

    Never to reveal to anybody that anything was wrong

    I aspired to someday accept their faces

    While you relied on God's saving graces

    To know the confidence, the man I could be

    How disappointed you'd be if you'd have seen me

    A family maimed, a friendship mutually used, a love badly damaged

    My life drowned in immense self-pity

    All because I was unwilling to dig up your grave

    And reclaim the confidence and faith that I gave


    There was so much we had hoped to do

    I would be your best man, as you married the woman you loved so true

    To see eachother happy, friends growing older

    Bound by more than just the bowels of humanity and a patch on our shoulders

    I wish I could have introduced you to her

    A friend to share my interests and those I love with

    But it cannot be, I can't allow you to dwell within me

    Once a hero, then a crutch, now simply a memory

    Your life has long since ended, mine can no longer be suspended

    The sands have taken you, but they will never have me

    I have the opportunity to build a life happily

    To pursue my prosperity, the objectives and people I love dearly

    Where I once stumbled blindly, my confidence guides me clearly

    You're the final spec of sand I brush from my heart

    As we both travel onward, worlds apart


    Soldier, you're a friend no longer

    You've served your purpose and I have grown stronger

    With my final salute, I bid you farewell

    No longer in my heart may you dwell

    Tucked deep in my memories is where you will stay

    Never again to influence my day

    The link has been severed, the desert is but a landscape

    Through your life, death, and memory, you have aided my escape


    We've both found peace.

    Sleep tight.

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