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Posts posted by stevenclough

  1. uhh.. thats a pretty wide age gap there steve I dunno how to put this, but that just ain't right. If you were "friends" I guess it would be okay, but gf?...well I suppose as long as your not getting ... how to put it, "to close" because she is still just a minor. but if its not like that, then just let her have a little space sounds to me like she is hinting she is a little unsure right now, before you set anything up, I'd wait just a little while before doing so. Just so you can be sure things will be okay between you two.


    Normaly I would never date some one so yong, but It seemed to be ok at the time when it was set up with her mom (who I know) and her cozon.



  2. I'm not quite sure were to post this has its vered topiced.


    First of all I'm 26 and my new g/f is only 16 so there is a 10 year age gap.

    We met thought her mom and her cuzion set us up, and it was going all fine for 3 week then she txt me saying that she was not ure if we were right for each other, which made me panic, which in retuaned corsed an argument, which pissed her of.


    Now at this point even thought the argument has stop, she seems diffrent as in she dose not care anymore, been really disttent.


    Of couse this end up harting me, and for some resion my gut feelings are telling me that shes just trying to use me now. (my gut feeling have never been wrong so far).

    So know even thought I am jelus when she is going out about oing out drinking with her cuzon on the street with other lads, I have for that one instend lost all trust in her now.

    And I am now going out with her still to see if my gut feelings are right.


    But this is not all even before I meet her I had these wered feeling for the same sex, and I have started to qustion my self, believeing that I could be bi.

    This did temrly stop when I was with my new g/f but its started to think about it even more now after whats been going on in the abved metioned.


    So now I am here alone and frithen.

    Just some insite to what sort of persion I am.


    I'm quite, Romatic sort of guy, putting others before my self, over emational and clingy, this also meens I can get gelus easy and now I have started to think that women 2day don't give a shit and just want to get of with as many lads as possible.


    I don't know what advise u can give, but I just want some advise if posible.



  3. I use to be live u.

    Having problems with trying to comunicate with the opsite sex and to try and get a g/f.


    I find that I have no problems at work when it comes to flurting with the lasses at work.


    But I do find it hard to ask them out.


    The best advise I can give is to flurt with them get to know them better try and find common intrest ask them out... eg... I'm of to so and so, do u fancy coming along, it would be nice to have some company etc..

    This is just a little reglar flut, but in away u've asked them out.

    Even thought ur not going out b/f g/f u got half way there, at this stage u can get to know that persion a little bit better and start to fell more conftalbe and maybe when u fell the time is right, u can tell her how u fell and u never know what happens.


    The worst that could happen is ohh ur so sweet but I'm seeing some one or I'm not intrested but ur got friend etc...


    But this way u get to improve ur skills and confdents in talking to the opsite sex.


    Dark Angel

  4. I'm not quite sure what ur going on about her, but I've always say, just be ur self.

    At the end of the day anyone that love uas a friend or lover should love u for what u are and not what u try to be.


    I am my self, but I always try to find and fix falts with my self to make my self a better b/f for any lucky girl that comes along in my life.

    But I know that no one is perfect so we got to learn to expect each others faul and just love the persion for how there make u happy.


    Flowing that and u will not go far wrong in life, even if life can get u down, there is always an up siade to life.


    Dark Angel

  5. Well about leaveing a msg on his vocie mail, he might not have recvied it or he might not have anoth credit on his phone if its a pay as u go phone.


    But most of the time it could be that hes afride of making the first call.

    I must a mit if I get a lasses number I would be very nervus about ring it and I need to pluck anoth crogage to do it.


    This guy could be the same.

    Just try ringing him till u get throught to him.

    And if u been trying for, say like a week and no luck, just nock it on ur head as been hes to frighten or he dose not want to know.


    /me thinks back.

    This has happen to me were a lass gived me her secound mobile number and she never had it switchd on.

    I really fanced this lass so I manage to get hold of her other number, but when I got through she made it ovus that she was not intrested.


    Dark Angel

  6. I be honest I'm not purefect at all.

    U only hurded my side of the story.

    But at the end of the day I try and work out any problems we had and try to resolve it.

    I've changed for her to try and make my self a better b/f.

    But she just changed for the worst.


    But the only thing that makes me fell good about my self is the fact that her mom told me that I am better of with out her and that she will relise that she has lost a good man.

    And that she will relise it too late and end up kicking her self.


    To be honest it kinds of reminds me of my self.

    I ended it with a lass 7 years ago and ever since I've been kicking my self.

    Cuz I know that she really did love me and care for me.

    I also loved her and cared for her, but I was frighten at the time, frigten of comitment.


    Dark Angel

  7. Even thought it dose not bother me any more like it use to when we first borke up, it still somting I would like to get of my chess.


    My Ex started to talk to me on msn messenger, which I was hoping would not happen. (At the moment I still love her and I know what shes like for trying to hurt me)

    But I decided to be polite and talk to her.

    Ok it was just a hi what ur up to what have u been doing with ur self.

    That part I can live with and accept as a harmless consovistion.


    But the she goes on about us braeking up and that I broke up with her becouse I got told so by a pub friend of mine.

    Even thought this was the case, I did not end it with her for that resion.

    I ended it with her becouse she was treating me like durt, always thinking about her self and never showing me any love or affection. (I know some ppl can't show emaotions that well, but to think about ur self and not ur love ones shows that the persion thinking about her/his self dose not love u and its time to move on)

    Anyway it was becouse of that I ended it wit her.

    I would raver hut my self in the short term than keep getting hurt by her for along time.


    Anyway back to the story.

    She was going on about finding some one else I stright away I told her I did not want to know.

    But she said why, the past is in the past now, but I told her that I still love her and until I am strong anoth to get on with my life with out u I don't want to know, so as a friend dont tell me.


    But she tryed to tell me, and thats when I blocked her.

    I know that she is trying to hurt me, but I fell that this reinforces my belvies that she only cares for her self and that is were she will end up with some B*****d of a new b/f and find out that she made a big mistake treating me like s**t.


    I shold know I made the same mistake 7 years ago.


    But thats life for u.


    Anyway just wanted to get it of my chess.


    Dark Angel

  8. I know this is a hard question to answer and one that has probably been asked quite a few times before, but I'd really appreciate it if someone could help me by letting me know how to tell if you're really in love with someone.

    Thanks... all help is greatly appreciated!


    Well its diffrent to each persion, but I believe that u can tell, becouse of the felling in ur boady and in ur heart.

    Here is how I can tell that I am in love or falling in love.


    1. I can't stop thinking about her

    2. I miss her when I am not around her

    3. I just want to make her happy even if I am not happy (I tend to scarifece my own happeness some times to make the persion I love happy)

    4. I would do anything for that persion

    5. I can never stay angry for long at her.

    6. I fell it inside my heart and know its there.


    Dark Angel

  9. Thanks to all that lissend to my problems.

    I must amit that she did have a hold of me and was able to minulate my emotions, becouse she knows how I feel about my x.


    but I slept over it and I thought F**k her I'm of to get my life back together.

    But these days I am felling stronger now, I wish she would have treated me a bit better.

    I Still love her, u can't stop feeling somthing like that but I feel like I can do better, after all she will grow up and relise that she has lost the only perion that truly loved her and would do anything to make her happy and regared him self and think of her first.


    After all I made the same mistake on 2 occations in my life.


    Also I've started to see an hypnotist to help me get a grip of my emotions.

    Its not to change me, but to help me control somthing that I hold deer to me and that is a part of me.


    Thanks to every one that replyed and lissed.


    Dark Angel

  10. This is a long story.


    I few days ago I rang my lass up telling her its over.

    The resion for this is we've been arguing alot and I guess it was all my fult.

    Mybe I argued with her becouse I wanted her to show me some emotions.

    With the fact that I'm very emotional sort of guy.

    Anyway we started arguing about the dj at my local there my x and the dj as become friends, hich pissed me of becouse I felt like she was taking the olny women I love away from me. (That and te fact that this dj woemn takes the piss out of me all the time and only incrages my lass to do the same.)

    We got arguning about my x tking the piss out of me over the phone and said fine then its over, we should be friends. I told her on the phone that I loved her still.


    Now its been 2 days and during that time I've been angray at her and at my self and deep down I still love her and wanted her to understand my side of things.

    She rang me tonight she said that she meet some one new and now I finding it very hard to keep ahold of my emotions. I beged her back into my life, be she said in a nut shell I'll think about it u've hurt me and I'm showing u how much it hurts.


    Which it dose.


    Now I want to win her back and show her that I want to start a new fresh strat and try and get it back to the old days.


    Please can some one help.

    I feel frighten and scarend I want to die thats how low I feel and I can't cope with such over welming negtavie emotion, at the moment I hate my life and all I want is to have her back in my life


    If u need any more info I will be happy to explane in more deteled if any questions are asked

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