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Posts posted by WickedOne

  1. You know what you should do? If in case he is a lil over weight, then bring his ass in the gym whenever you go, and make him loose those extra pounds and make him look like a sexy bitch! lol. Maybe the guy IF he's a lil over weight knows he is and want to change it but have no motivation yet to change, having you around , pushing him a lil can be his motivation. But, maybe he's just playing with you a lil too, maybe he's actualy buff or something and just putting you on another track so when you'd meet, you've be like "oh my, yum! " . hehe. But, when you think about it, if, he's not boyfriend material in your book, then he can still be a really great friend, right?. So you shouldn't loose totally.

    Anyways, let us know how it goes.

    Good luck.

  2. lol, ahhh only good things happen to a man who gets his finger's sucked on! lol.

    I think she wants your wang mate. But like, just casual, friendly sex, you know, no strings attached. Which can be good , or bad afterwards, so it's pretty much up to you to figure that out.

  3. Come on man, show that girl you have some balls and don't let that guy intimidate you. Just for curiosity, how old are the 3 of you?

    Anyway, if you don't go you'll most then likely loose your chance with her....so , do you want her or not? She does seem to like you a lil at least if she lets you wrap your arms aroud her , so i dunno. But If you have doubts, then let it go, and wait. But if you have no doubts you can have her , then go and win her back dammit! Show that girl you're a better guy then the other!

  4. Let him wait, lol , if he had the slightest chance to get in bed with you , he'd wait. Then, if he gets a lil too excited and keep asking you all the time to take it to another level then dump his ass!

    It happens very frequently that some guys will be all nice and cool and shit to a girl at first and then the girl starts to fall for him and then she'll let him do whatever he wants with her and then he'll take advantage of her vulnerability and then BAM! he'll let her down after being tired of her, he'll dump her and go to another one.....

    so my advice is let him wait, there's no rush.....so if he gets a lil impatient then tell him this: BYE BYE!

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