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Posts posted by jafreak

  1. I have really bad news. I dont know if i had posted it or not, but Rob's mom had died early last month. His dad took off with his brother George, and left Charlie with us. Well, today, my cell phone rang around 2:45 and it was Rob's brother George. He said that his daddy wouldn't wake up. Rob and I jumped right into the truck, dropped off Aiden and Charlie at my sister's, and went straight there. When we got there, George was sitting out front, and I had Rob stay out there with him. I went in and found his dad laying on the couch, not moving. I walked towards him and found an empty vodka bottle and an empty bottle of sleeping pills/pain killers. I felt his neck for a pulse, and there was none. I grabbed my cell phone and called the police. They arrived in about 5 min. and they took him out in a body bag after checking him out.


    We brought George back to the house, and he is downstairs playing with my 4 year old nephew now. We have Aiden and Charlie back and we're trying to decide what to do. Rob is really mad right now because he can't believe his dad could do this to these kids.


    I just talked to his dad's lawyer, and he said that June's (rob's mom) life insurance check should be here by thursday. He said that it would be anywhere from 500,000 dollars to 750,000. He also said that because of his father committing suicide, we would most likely not get a check, but that does not matter. Her check doesnt even really matter. It helps, and we could use it, but the most important thing is that we love these kids, and we will do anything for them.


    We have no idea what to do with George. Neither of his parents are alive, and he refuses to stay with us tonight. He wants to stay with his other brother Damien, but he lives up in Pennsylvania pretty far (we live in NJ). We have no idea what to do. Please help. We really need it.

  2. Hey. Its been awhile since I posted. Aiden is now 3 months and doing great. I was born and raised in London, and we went back on March 26th for 2 weeks. I just got back last Friday, but Rob came home a week before because his mother was in the hospital. His mother had gone into cardiac arrest and slipped into a coma by the time they revived her. She died 3 days later. Rob did not even have a chance to say goodbye and that he was sorry.


    Rob's mother was raped 2 years ago and had a son named Charles. She had 2 other son's, Damien(19) and George(6). Damien has a different dad than Rob. When she passed away a week ago Sunday, Rob's father sunk into a depression and he had a hard time taking care of 16 month old Charlie. When I came back, we kept him here for awhile so his dad could have some time to think easier.


    We went to take Charlie back today to see his dad. When we walked in, no one was home, and there was a note on the table. His father took George and left. He left a note saying that he could not take Charles, because he was not his son. He asked us to raise Charlie as our own child. With help from my parents, we made a decision to keep him.


    We need help with the parenting thing. He is not our blood son, but he is Rob's blood brother. We think it might be bad for him being raised knowing that his *father figure* did not love him. But then thinking about it, if we told him when he was older that he was not our son, it might do damage then, knowing that we lied to him. I wish it was easier, and we love him, but this is going to be very hard.


    Does anybody know what we should tell him when he asks when he is older. He is only 16 months now, and he will probably be asking soon. Please help us. Thanks.

  3. ok. u have that part right. Aiden was a twin, but I got pregnant a couple weeks after Aiden was born and they found out it was twins. Because of Aiden being born that soon and me getting pregnant, they did a bunch of tests and I had a 73% chance of losing one of the twins and a 68% chance of losing both and that was on a sheet where 18 was the youngest age, so my chance rose a lot. I could either wait, and most likely have a miscarriage and damage my chances to ever have another baby or have an abortion and save myself so that I could have another chance to have another baby. We chose the abortion because my health was at risk, and Aiden needs a mother and I wasn't going to do that to him. Sorry If I was confusing you.

  4. ok. i had a miscarriage when i was 12 but that was the baby from when i was raped. thats the only miscarriage i ever had and the twins were aborted in an abortion. it was either my chance to have any more kids if i had a miscarriage with them and i would never be able to have more kids when i was older, or abort them, and have kids when i am older. with an abortion, you go in, have it, go into recovery for an hour or two and you are out. its not a huge procedure and it wasnt very painful for me. aiden is not even 2 months, and new borns sleep up to 16 hours a day. aiden sleeps about 12 hours a day and thats when i go on the computer.

  5. We had two options. Either abort the babies, and save my chances of ever getting pregnant again, or keep them, and lose pretty much all chances of ever having another baby. We made up our decision last night to abort this pregnancy. I want more kids, and I'm still not far enough into this pregnancy to completely fall in love with them and we would make out a lot better if we waited to have more kids. I just got back from the doctors about an hour ago and the appointment was 8:30 this morning. We had the pregnancy aborted and we are a little upset right now, but with my health on the line, we believe it was the right thing to do.

  6. Hey. I'm upset right now. I went to the doctors yesterday and they did 4 different tests on the baby and me. When they were finished, the doctor said I had a 73% chance of losing one of the twins and a 68% chance of losing both of them. I have to be very careful and he said with my age, and Aiden still this young, then the chances rise (the 73% and 68% are from a chart where the youngest age is 18 ). He did not want to tell me, but I know I have a huge chance of losing these babies and I am really upset right now. I already lost one baby to miscarriage when I got pregnant from the rape and I don't know if I am ready to go through it again. Please help me anybody. If you have any advice, PM me or if you have AIM, please IM me. I need help.

  7. Most doctors wont sterilize before you are 25 years old. I already asked my doctor about after I have the twins, if I could get it done, and he said he will NOT sterilize anybody unless they are 25, or for medical reasons.

    Good luck. PM me if you want to.

  8. Hey. If u dont believe me, then u dont believe me, but it is happening.


    as for pronouncing the names, the only hard one is Thalía i think, and its like this


    Ta Leah.. if u can think of it that way. we both love that name and Carmyn is the same as carmen but with a y.


    As for prom and hanging out, I can still hang out because we have the whole basement and as long as we dont keep my parents awake, then we can have people over whenever. For things like prom, my sister already said she would watch them, because we go to prom in may. Its not my prom but its robs and he can bring me because we are together and im his date. as for my prom, we will both go and if my sister wont watch the kids, then we will hire a babysitter. We are not really missing out on anything and we love these kids to death, even our unborn children. they are our lives and nothing can change how we feel about them.

  9. Aiden is a month and I'm having twins!


    We already have names:



    If its 2 girls then,

    Thalía Amber

    Carmyn Elizabeth




    If its a girl and boy then,

    Carmyn Thalía

    Dylan Anthony


    If its two boys then,

    Brendan Anthony

    Dylan Hunter


    Tell me what you think please

  10. Hey. I am so upset right now. Me and Rob got into a huge fight over what happened Friday night over my cousins house. Rob was working and me and my brother went to My cousins house with Aiden. My aunt was playing with him and she said i could go hang out and she would watch him. We were downstairs watching Grease and i was sitting with my cousins friend joe. Little did I know, Rob had gotten off work early and went home and my mom and dad said we had gone to my cousins. he called her house and my aunt told him that we were still there and that we could come over. I was sitting on joe and little did all of us that rob was at the top of the steps watching. he saw me and joe sitting there and he got pissed and walked out of the house and came home. he confronted me on it this morning. He thinks that I am cheating on him and that this is not his baby that i am pregnant with now. I was only sitting with him and we werent kissing or anything, just sitting there and joe had his arm around me. big deal. i am so upset right now. He even took the engagement ring from me and he left and went to his dads and before he left he said that he would be back tomorrow for his stuff. The only thing that is keeping me alive right now is aiden and this baby. i dont know what to do. please help me!



  11. ok. i am 14 and i have a 3 week old son. I am also just a little over a week pregnant again. my parents know, and they were a little upset but they were also happy. when i had aiden, my boyfriend proposed to me. me and my fiance completely support him, except for food, which my mom insists she buys. i love aiden to death, adn we already love this baby. just dont do the wrong thing and get an abortion, I did, and i suffered for weeks until i found out that aiden was a twin, and he was not killed in the abortion. good luck hun.

  12. hey. ive got braces and the guys dont really care about them. Just be careful not to kiss a guy with a lip ring if u do get them. its hurts the guy pretty bad. i get clear bands on mine and if people dont pay attention, they dont even know u have them

  13. ok. we went to the doctor today around 9, and he did a couple tests including a urinalisis (sry dont know how to spell) and a blood test and an ultrasound. the urine test and blood test both came back that i was pregnant so he did an ultrasound and a vaginal test and both showed that i didnt lose my baby. he said that the amount of blood that i passed yesterday, is normal in some pregnancys in the beginning. I STILL HAVE MY BABY! im so happy. it will be awhile before we know the sex but they are going to do another ultrasound in 2 weeks to make sure everything is fine. he said that i would be fine with only having Aiden and then getting pregnant again.

  14. avman,


    im really sorry about blowing up like that, but i was pissed at my dad and i wasnt in a good mood. i realized that you were only trying to help me and i realized that with the help of a friend. we are going to the doctor tomorrow to see wut he says and then we will go from there.


    thanks for not getting too pissed at me and im really sorry.

  15. avman,


    ok first of all, the doctor said that the baby would be perfectly fine, and second of all, we do not care about wut other people think about us or our children. my fiance is working 2 jobs and still going to school. I am going back to work in a week. I have over 12,000 dollars in the bank from a court case that I just won. my parents are not supporting us, other than buying food for us and Aiden, which they do willingly, not because we need it. if we needed to buy ourselves food, we would, but its my parents choice to buy it and we even told them that because we are completely responsible for our child and ourselves.


    I just wanted to let u know that.

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