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New Found Glory

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Posts posted by New Found Glory

  1. go for it man, it sounds like shes interested.


    say something like "im glad you talked to (other girls name here), i didnt now how to tell her that im interested in somebody else..."


    and from my studies of the female race, she will then brush her hair back and say "oh yea? who"


    you can take it from there

  2. im not sure what im doing wrong


    i assume the problem is that im a very shy person at first. everybody tells me that im a very shy person when i first meet them... once they get to no me they tell me im very outgoing and funny. but yea... i dont meet people, i dont like just walking up to people and talkin, i dont know what to say.




    and thank you for nodding and saying yes... you've been a big help

  3. A close female friend got very upset with me today, she said i have been in a bad mood the past few days... she said something is wrong, she knows it, and she wants to know what it is. And apparently i have been taking it out on her... then she ended the conversation and has responded to any of my messages on her cell phone...


    im worried shes really mad at me. i really dont think anything is wrong with me, i did need to clear me head today, alot has been goin on... actually, me mentioning i was goin for a drive to clear my head is what started the whole argument...


    and thoughts or suggestions?




    i assume she is genuinly upset... anything sort of quick fix i can do to make the problem go away?

  4. A close female friend got very upset with me today, she said i have been in a bad mood the past few days... she said something is wrong, she knows it, and she wants to know what it is. And apparently i have been taking it out on her... then she ended the conversation and has responded to any of my messages on her cell phone...


    im worried shes really mad at me. i really dont think anything is wrong with me, i did need to clear me head today, alot has been goin on... actually, me mentioning i was goin for a drive to clear my head is what started the whole argument...


    and thoughts or suggestions?

  5. It has been a long time since my last relationship, and ive never had a REAL relationship, just one that i thought was real a long time ago...

    in january i moved an hour away from my old home to go to school, and it was fine because i had a couple friends up here with me, and i went home regularly on weekends but now my summer semester is starting, all my friends are home... im getting a job that will require me to work weekends...


    my friends are all an hour away, and i only have a few good friends, i dont know anybody up here, and i dont really have any prospects (as far as a relationship is concerned)


    im just feeling really crummy today, and this is all piling up, im worried about my summer...



    im really just venting, i dont think there are any solutions to my problems...

  6. Hey, this is really a question for other guys...


    does anyone know a way to stop from getting a hard-on at an inopportune time?


    i have a very attracyive and very affectionate/physical female friend, last night we were all watchin a movie and she sat on my lap...


    it was difficult, but i managed... but im worried... it seems like an embarrassing moment waiting to happen?


    so yea, does anybody have any tips on how to avoid getting an erection when its REALLY not wanted?

  7. Ok, i have a big problem, and i need to know 1) what i should do, and 2) have i dont something wrong?


    I met this girl last year in the fall semester in college, we really hit it off, became real good friends, saw each other every day, talked on msn every night, etc. I changed schools and we stopped talking for a while because i was busy settling in and didnt go on msn or anything like that. But now i do and we talk... a week ago she confessed feelings for me (which are mutual)... now she has gotten even closer over msn, we have long talks until ungodly hours of the morning, lol. I really like her, and i can tell she likes me, she asked me stuff like "if we were together right now, what would u want to be doing?" and stuff like that. Every time we talk i get more and more interested in her... and i know what your thinking, "yea, sounds like a real problem buddy!" but it is. She is 25, and im 19... she has a son... and a boyfriends of several years. She has been telling me how her relationship is not going well and how it might end soon, but i dont know if that is because of me or not.


    We are getting really close, and talking as if she is single, and i dont know if that is wrong or not. She made a crack about taking turns giving massages, and asked what i thought, and i said that i had no problems with it, but her boyfriend might. She said, yea your right... im a bad gf. I told her that wasnt true, cuz she was just confused about their relationship and isnt sure of whats going on. I dont really think we have done anything wrong... do u? and what should i do? is there anything i can do?

  8. Hey, got a bit of a problem...


    This girl i know, and like, has offered to give me a "Real Good Massage", and me being the idiot that i am, thought she was kidding. long story short, i put my foot in the mouth and said if she actually did it, i would give her an even better one. Now i have found out that 1) she is actually planning on doing it and 2) she is good at it


    So basically i need some tips on how to give a good one. and keep in mind, this may not necessarily b leading to sex, im not sure, i just met her...




    So yea, tips would be great... what you like, what you do, etc.



  9. there is this girl im friends with named jen. i really like her and she sorta knows it, but she has a boyfriend. i say sorta becuz i told her i may have feelings for her, and htat i wasnt sure yet. when i told her that she said that if she wasnt withim her bf sum1 she would go out with. n e ways, time has passed but recenetly she lied to me, like a serious intended to deceive kind of lie. and she lied about it more than once, the doesnt normally act like this, but recently she has been doin alot of stuff like this. i want ot b mad at her, and i have every right to be. i feel like i've lost control of myself. i no wat i should do but i keep giving in to her. i keep letting her off easy and stuff. wat can i do?



    this was more of a rant then a question, but still...

  10. ok, i think i may be in alot of trouble, lol.


    there is this girl who i have been friends with for a year or two now. She is attractive, smart, funny, and outgoing. i always considered us to be friends, and as time passed we became better friends. now we are really close. we went to our high school prom together, as friends, in june. and since then i have developed serious feelings for her, but she has had a boyfriend since february. we r really close, we talk everyday, see eachother everyday, she comes to see me when im at work and i do the same.


    In late june, after an interigation by her over msn, i confessed that i may have feelings that were more than friends. i told her i wasnt sure how i felt about her anymore, and since than we have become even closer. and i am almost positive she shares my feelings.


    So i have a problem, maybe two.


    1) Have i already gone to far considering she has a boyfriend?


    2) What can i do that will result in us getting together soon?

  11. i guess u could be right, but i just dont want it to be awkward. Although i suppose if nothing happens we will probably never see eachother again...


    i dunno, and when she joked about the university thing it was a little different, but i supose your theory could still apply...

  12. Im in my last year of high school, i've never had anything close to a serious relationship before. Last semester (september-january) i had homeroom with this absolutly amazing girl. I'll call her Sally. Anyways, me and sally talked all the time, in class, and i really liked her, but i was nervous and never even really flirted.


    Recently i went on an overnight trip to a recreation centre with one of my classes, and she was there. she isn't in any of my classes, i almost never see her now, but she was on this trip, and we really hit it off. we talked about lots of things, she even made some jokes about me driving 2 hours to see her next year (university). I was really getting a good vibe from the whole thing. but i have had a history of misreading girls and thinking a girl wants to be more than friends when she doesnt.


    I thought it was nothing, but i cant get her off my mind. I dont know wat to do. She is good friends with one of my friends (my best friends girlfriend), but other than that i have no way to see her or talk to her, except the odd time when i see her when she is at work. (she works in the store next to where i work, but we almost never work the same days).

  13. everyone here is giving very valid advice, but i think that some of us are missing one of the ost important facts, u guys are 16 & 17. and i too was fairly well off when i was 17 (2 yrs ago) and my gf at the time seemed to really enjoy spending my money, i thought about that same stuff you are thinkin about, but what you hafta do is look at WHAT the money is being spent on, dinner at a nice restaraunt? that doesnt sound like she is after your money, she sounds exactly like my old gf who just loved to get dressed up and go nice places not because they were expensive but because they were special, and because they were not ordinairy, so stuff like a nice restaraunt or anything really that is good for the both of you, may not mean that she is after your money, what you need to watch is your daily spending on her, a nice dinner here and there is nothing, watch out for the CD's and the clothes and stuff like that, stuff that seems to benifit only her. Thats when u should start gettin suspisious.

  14. Im telling you this because i dont want you to be hurt, i could be wrong and i honestly hope that i am wrong, but i think he is not interested in you in the way you are interested in him. it sounds to me as if he just wants a really close friend, maybe a little affection. I no that in the past i have said stuff like what he has said( about being lonely, stuff like that), but trust me, i think that if he was interested he would have said something after you little smiley conversation, maybe he is just not a very witty/confident guy and that is why he couldnt find the right words to say he liked you, but it sounded more likely he was tryin to find the owrds to tell you that he cared about you as a friend but didnt no if a relationship was a good idea. But like i said, i could b wrong.

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