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Posts posted by kainashi

  1. well, there's this girl i've known for a couple of years and we just started dating several months ago. i've seen her pic, she's seen mine, etc. we talk over mic/webcam all the time and talk on the phone occasionally. we've made plans to meet in a couple of months and there's just one thing bothering me. i told her i graduated from high school. i haven't, i only have my ged. i messed up my first two years and really couldn't catch up in time. so instead of going an extra year or two, people said i'm just better getting my ged. i don't know if it's as big of a deal as i'm making it out to be but i figure it might come up somewhere down the line. should i come out and tell her now or what..?

  2. Rewind to a few months ago. In class, I would talk to her every so often, we would help each other on work a bit, etc. after a while, and I started liking her. She was funny, cute and had a great smile. We changed classes then and I didn't see her around or anything. So a couple of months later, I go get something to eat at a ljs's around here and low and behold, she works there. We talked a bit, she said hi and smiled. Saw her a few times then didn't eat there for a while. Ate there again just a few days ago. I saw her again and she said hello, asked if I remembered her. I said of course I did. Just had a little small talk and stuff. Back when we had a class together, she had a b/f so I kind of stopped thinking about her after that.


    So after seeing her again, I'm wondering if I should ask if she's seeing anyone, ask her to hang out or something. I've been single for about a year now and she's the first girl I've liked this much in a long time. So... any help would be appreciated.

  3. i haven't talked to her in a few days because last time we talked, i told her about some stuff that happened to me in school and she was like "why are you telling me this? it's not like it is of any value to me." i wanted to try and be friends but i don't know how to go about being friends with her or if i should do something else.

  4. some of you may know that my ex broke up with me about 5 months ago or so. we had been going out for almost 2 years. well, i kind of didn't leave her alone until a few months ago. she's had a few b/f's since then and i've had no g/f's. well, i left her alone finally, trying to move on and all that stuff. just a few days ago, she stopped me in the hallway at school and she asked if i still had her yarn, cd's and some other stuff. i told her i didn't know if it was still here but that i would look. she said thanks then i continued on to class. when i got home, i looked for her things but i could only find this thing for yarn. i couldn't find her cd's so i told her i would burn them for her. i made the cd's and got her other stuff together then took it over to her house. i gave it to her, she said thanks, i said you're welcome, then i was on my marry way back accross the street. once i got home, i added her to my buddy list to see if she still had me blocked from a while back, she didn't and as soon as i added her to my buddy list, she said thanks again. just a night or two ago, we talked online for about a half hour about school, hockey, etc. i was going to burn another cd for her but i'm out of disks so i said if she could get one from her dad, i would make one for her but i guess she's been forgetting to bring one to school.


    i'm just kind of confused as to why she's now talking to me and stuff. if i remember anything else, i'll post it.

  5. well, i guess her new b/f broke up with her already. that's about it, nothing else is new. i haven't spoken to her in about 2 months. i was driving my cousin home today and saw her though. she gave me the "evil eye". *shrug*


    edit: talked to her last night after about 2 months of no contact. she was being mean at first but then we talked about school and stuff. didn't mention our relationship at all. i guess it went pretty well.


    edit 2: seems she blocked me. i'm confused, oh well.

  6. I'm not saying that there is no chance of getting back together with her. There will always be that chance there. I am saying, however, that you can't wait around for her to make her decision. I did for over a month and it was the worst month of my life. You need to start healing and moving on for now. I know it hard to move on, but giving her space is actually the best thing you could do to get her back. I'm just advising you not to chase her because I did that for a few weeks and it wound up making things worse. You need to distance yourself from her for a while. It helps to clean up your perspective on things. It sucks, but space and no contact with them is really the best thing for this situation. good luck my man...
    edit: nevermind...
  7. she said she never wants to think or see me ever again. i guess i kind of annoyed her. oh well, it's really good to see her hanging out with the guy from her work for the whole day... something which i didn't need to see. i saw him pick her up and i went upstairs and cried my eyes out. my mom asked what was wrong and i told her. she did the usual mom stuff, like hugging and saying it will be ok but i don't know if it will be...


    edit: the real reason she broke up with me is because i didn't treat her like i loved her enough... now i wish i would have. *sigh* now i have to live with regret...

  8. btw, kuhl282000, she was the one that made the plans originally. she said she's into him and the guy is into her but he think's he's too old for her. he's 20, she's 17. she also said they're not "seeing eachother". now, for an update:


    we talked a couple of days ago. she said she was sorry for treating me like she did. she asked if i was depressed all of the time, i said "yes, whenever i think about you, get reminded of our relationship by something, etc.." and she said she was sorry. i asked "why?" and she said she felt bad about it. i asked her what made her feel bad all of the sudden and she said "nothing". the reason she was being mean to me was because i was being "annoying". i told her about the part in metallica "saint anger" that makes me cry, where the girl hands her boyfriend the necklace he got her and hugs him. he thinks about stuff then shoots something into his arm with a needle. she said she was sorry and that she would love to be friends with me but we talk online for now then if it works out, we can start seeing eachother offline but she doesn't know right now. thats about it. haven't talked to her since.


    she has a lot of stuff going on. next year, we're both seniors. she's taking two college classes after going to high school for the day. she's on the varsity dance team and on the school newspaper staff. she has a job, working most of the time. i don't know. *shrug*


    edit: i was thinking of making a mix cd to give to her before she goes on vacation. it has lovey dovey songs on it. i'm wondering if i should go through with it or not. she doesn't go on vacation for another 3 weeks, btw.

  9. haven't talked to her in a week or so. her attitude makes me feel like nothing, like i'm not good enough or something, to be her boyfriend/friend again. now that she hangs out with her friends from work, she treats me like crap. then there's this guy she really likes at work. oh well, guess i lost...


    i feel like i wasted my time trying to fix things since she's just going to go out with another guy too. i really wanted things to work out, i guess she didn't(?)...

  10. life sure sucks sometimes. i wish there was some way to be happy right now. even though i'm surrounded by friends and family my life feels so worthless and alone. i cry still (even after 7 months) and I haven't been able to fully move on.

    yeah, i feel the same even though it's only been a week and a half so far for me...
  11. well, my girlfriend and i broke up a week ago aftering going out for a year and 10 months. she said i was smothering her, her heart wasn't in it for the past 2 1/2 months, and wanted to be alone right now to think of things about us. well, i wrote her a poem, gave her a dozen white roses, and a card to apologize. she said she appreciated it but she still needed time. "that's all i need is time."


    we've only been broken up a week and i found out something that hurt me. a lot. she has liked this guy at her work for the past 6 months. that's a lot longer than 2 1/2 months, eh? the fact that it's only been a week hurts even more. it feels like the whole time i went out with her, i was living a lie. i have trouble sleeping, i've lost my appetite, everything that goes with depression.


    the guy is manic depressant. i don't think it's safe for her to go out with someone like that. he could end up killing himself over her or killing her or something...


    should i give up now or...?

  12. well, it wasn't a good start really. after she got off work, she called me and told me to come over. she told me she appreciated the flowers and the apology behind it (the way i treated her during the relationship). then she said getting her flowers is not giving her space, blah blah blah. we hugged a couple times then i left, crying. she said once i give her space, we'll see what happens. she'll have her space from now on... for a couple of weeks, at least.

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