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  1. I'm 20yo, about 10 months ago my then girlfriend of 1 1/2 years left me for reasons that were entirely justified (I didn't cheat on her but I didn't maintain a promise, so to speak). About 3 months later she started to see me again, yet this time she was hiding me from her friends. At the time I found out that she had already slept with 2 guys, both of them being drunken first night stands. I was with intimate with her for about another month before she left me again for another man. She says that she couldn't "deal with" me at the time and that she couldn't handle being back in a relationship with me. 3 months go by and she gets dumped by the guy she left me for. Long story -> short, about 5 months ago we decide to get back together again, me thinking it's not going to be anything serious but she vowing that she made mistakes and that she wants to make it work this time. Now we both have incredibely intense feelings for each other and have a very strong connection, but I don't know if I should get back together with her because I came to find out that she had had sexual relations with 5 men during our 7 month breakup. Is it even worth trying one more time? I can't seem to get over her turning into a slut and now trying to get me back. For the past 3 months we've had good times but lots of bad times as well. For one thing I seem to find myself starting arguments with her over my feelings about her indiscretions. What should I do? Get back together with her and try to forget about all the stuff she did while we were broken up or move on?
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