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Posts posted by greywolf

  1. -The historian (an actual good book about vampires. It's actually scary and informative about eastern european history)


    -Eat, Pray, Love (story of a divorced woman's journey to discover who she really is)


    -Franny and Zooey (book about a girl going through a mental breakdown due to college and the relationship between her, her brother, and the ghosts of her dead sibling that seems to haunt their family)


    I started reading the historian but I left it on an airplane somewhere!!! *sniffle

    Gosh that was in '06

  2. I just tore through the Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyers and am now reading "Something Borrowed" by Emily Griffin.


    I've been needing a little escape since work and my life has been quite stressful lately.


    Is that series good? I see it around, but I've never picked it up because it looks so 'teenager mainstream'.

  3. Dave,

    Have a quick question. I know nc is the way to go to start healing i just cant because we have a son together.. But when we do talk i try to keep it short and tell her i have to go.. and when i have to see her i act very happy and gittery and of course am very nice to her. Am i doing the right thing, i really want her back but i want her to come back to me damn near begging for another shot. thanks dave



    Hey Landon, this is starting to sound like it's a lot more about pride rather than wanting her back.

  4. Beginning of Day 2 again. I'm not taking it well at all. She called me crying yesterday when I told her we couldn't talk anymore, and after that she just disappeared. I haven't seen her online anywhere. I know that she doesn't have to be online and I don't expect her to be, after all I told her we couldn't contact each other. But it just really makes me wonder what she's doing because this is a break in her routine.


    I'm thinking of waiting one week and then see how I feel. I'll either contact her or decide that I can go another week.


    But right now I am struggling just on the 2nd day.

  5. I am not sure whether he said that to make me feel worse or better - i don;t get it either


    He sent me a text 2 days after the phone call saying


    "Just 4 ur info, Had an awesome weekend. Didn;t snog any chicks as u presume. U really dont know me. Hope u had a good weekend"


    i didn;t reply


    Not heard from him again


    so he lied about kissing another girl? this guy sounds really immature. It's like he's playing some game with you.

  6. Can someone tell me how long should NC last for? I lasted 24 days and then broke it. I called him and ended having an argument because i found out he had a meaningles kiss with a girl at a stag do 2 weeks beforehand ( he told me) he also said it was cos i ignored his call and email.


    When do boys actually start missing you? I am back on NC and have been for 11 days now. He texted me last sunday but there was no question so i didn;t reply. He said he was going to call and he hasn;t and usually when he says he wil do something he does


    I think i have lost him forever - don;t u think?


    So let me get this straight. You guys have broken up, and he kisses someone because you haven't returned his calls? You're not his girlfriend. You have no obligation whatsoever to contact him. If he did something like that, then it was his choice. And saying that it was your fault is manipulative and rude.


    Either he wants to be with you or he doesn't. He has to choose.

  7. No don't read it so negatively. She's feeling good and happy - which isn't necessarily a bad thing. She isn't rubbing it in your face!

    Why aren't you that happy?

    You need to try and have fun without her too.


    I know what you mean. I have been having a good weekend, but there are times when I miss her so much as well. I guess I was kinda just hoping for an 'I miss you' or something. *sigh


    There are times when I'm moving on and there are times when I take a step backwards and I think this was one of them. I mean, why should I care if she misses me right?

  8. I think this is day 5. Today went well, I hung out with friends and I didn't miss her so much. Nights are always the worst. I had a huge urge to email her moments ago, I was thinking a quick, hi hope you're doing well, might be a good idea. But I've told myself I can email her tomorrow.

    And tomorrow I'll tell myself that I can email her tomorrow....

    One day at a time, right?

  9. It's been over 6 weeks with no contact.I just want to know if she wants to stay friends which we made a promise we would no matter what.


    Need closure before I move on.


    From experience, those promises don't mean anything. That's why when the ex says they want to be friends it's just a way not to lose you completely until they get over you, or to ease their guilt.

  10. Day 4. I feel like crap today. Yesterday I wanted to email the ex so much, but I got through the day thinking, " I can email her tomorrow." And today I'm going through the same thing.


    But I think that if I can just go through every day thinking, "I can contact her tomorrow." whenever I feel like contacting her, then I think I'll make it.

    But it still sucks.

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