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  1. Hello i just registered so i could share some of my problems with you, maybe you can help Losers who come on here to mock peoples problems please click Back button now. A bit of background: I am nearly 19 and have a girlfriend of nearly 20. We celebrate our 2 year "anniversary" of courting this evening and have been having sex non-stop (i mean no sex-breaks or whatever) about once/twice a week (unfortunately we live in different town in the UK so only see eachother twice a week when we hzave sex unless she is .. howdoyousay .. "incapicitated"!) for about all but 2 months of our relationship (ie. the past 22 months-ish). She is on the pill so i dont wear anything (i worry about this sometimes but she insists its safe and it sure as hell feels better). We have neither had any sexual partners before ourselves. i have the following questions for anyone that can help .. 1) Is 7" ok ? (female opinions appreciated) she loves it saying its great and that, but she knows nothing else other than me so i sometimes worry she is wrong. 2) I think i have a slight case of semi-phimosis, whereas even if im fully erect and pretty damn excited th'owd foreskin wont fully retract, the more exited i get it goes back a wee bit, and during sex (and sex only) it will go back all the way but anything other than sex, be it by myself or with her, it wont retract fully 3) we dont really do the whole Oral thing, I like it when she does it to me (she only does when i've had a shower) but i'm not sure she's to hot on giving it so i dont mind. i really dont enjoy giving it her, she's unshaven and even if she's just had a shower and i give it a go, when she starts enjoying it, it gets a bit unpleasant for me (is this normal or am i being unreasonable?!) i mean i fantasise about giving it to her but in my dreams shes always shaven but she wont do that what are your opinions on that? 4) the big one - She has never had an orgasm i offer to give her one by my hand but she always says "no its ok, i dont mind", we dont do Oral (see above) and i often find it impossible to do it through sex before i come. once i insisted on her lying down and letting mer give her a rub and she really enjoyed it but she got impatient and said "its ok, you've got me going now, lets just have sex" so i obliged and she nearly came but it wasnt to be. is there any way i can pace myself and try and give her one before i come (which admittedly is a bit quick sometimes but she is very pretty, i often find i just cant help it)? she often convincingly says "i really dont mind, it doesnt bother me i love our sex and i love seeing/feeling you come and thats all i want" which melts my heart! but i would so love to give her one, tips would be appreciated. Please note, she masturbates maybe every 3/4 days at home. i thought maybe a condom would lessen it for me giving her more chance? That is all for now, i hope you can share your opinions/advice. i hope i have posted in the right bit, if not then feel free to refer me to another section Many thanks Mouse.
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